Chapter 14

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Thx to my fans for helping me get higher on this book it makes me happy u guys r still with me and the ones that comment and vote for every chapter, now thats a true reader thx everyone now on to the next chapter......

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  My body was almost fully working now, I raised my head up to Jay, scared was the least to say. Now that I was a wolf what was supposed to happen?

Where we going to kill the humans tonight?

If so, I don't know. I have so much going through my head it shows how frighten I am.

A sandy coloured wolf came in the clearing, as soon as it's eye's met mine, it glared. The wolf transformed into a naked Andy. I looked away quickly, as Jay finished up cleaning my fur.

Jay wrapped his arms around me and picked me up.

"Did anyone follow you?"

"No Alpha, but they should be coming around this area any second now." Andy said quickly.

Jay nodded, and Andy shifted back to the sandy coloured wolf. Curt shifted too, and started to run to our right, with Andy. 

"We'll deal with you later Ericka, for now, I'll carry you, because the hunters are getting closer and you are a very hard creature to deal with." He said, before shifting into his black wolf, I could see his scar on his eye more when e was in his wolf form. I wonder where he got it.

He picked me back up by the scruff and started to run, just as he left the view of the little pond and bullet came shooting a few feet from us. I yelped, scared now.

I shouldn't worry though, they wanted to help me, turn back to a human, they were coming to kill Jay I hope. As cruel as that sounds.  If they killed him, that would be saving millions of innocent people.

I could hear shouting, it sounded close, yet far, it must be my hearing it was driving me crazy. From the smallest flap from a bird, made me want to cringe.

A few more gun shots came through the forest as they got near. Which was strange, because they were humans, and were catching up to a werewolf. On it's strongest night.

I'd ask one of the wolves how that worked. But I'm hoping to ask a hunter more, that way I knew I was safe. 

Another gun shot rang through the air, and I heard a yelp of pain, just as Jay went crumbling to the ground, I was thrown out of his mouth, and landed on the ground harshly, at least twenty feet away.  

I landed right beside a bush, which was easy to hide in, as I scooted backwards trying to hide. I could hear footsteps getting closer. Jay's right leg had a bullet lodge deep in it, he was trying desperatly to get it out with his muzzle, but the wound kept healing over.

He quickly transformed, back to his human form, and with two fingers he reached in the wound, making me gag internally, as he ripped it out he grunted while clenching his jaw, I watched as he ripped it out with a cringe. 

He transformed into his wolf, and turned to me, taking a few quick steps in my direction before he froze and rushed into the brush a little away from me. 

A group of hunters came bursting through the direction, we had just came from, they ran right passed us, till one of the men stopped in his tracks, taking a few steps backwards as he looked around the clearing. I debated weather or not it was safe for me to walk to him, and hope he would help me, or if he'll just kill me. 

I turned my head to look where Jay was which caused a few leaves to rustle, which caught the attetion of the man, he took a few steps towards me, before aiming his gun. I whimpered and stepped out, slowly.

I wanted to tell him not to shoot me, but i didn't know how, instead he lowered his gun. And grabbed a walky talky. 

"I have found the white wolf, she doesn't seem to be a threat. What am I supposed to do?" He asked the speaker.

It wasn't even seconds before, he got a answer.

'Grab her and run back to the lab, and kill the others, try to keep her alive.' The fuzzy voice said quickly, I couldn't even tell if it was male or female that spoke.

He took a few cautious steps forward. A growl ripped through the little area, and Jay jumped out of his hiding spot, he landed in front of me. I went to take a run from him, but Curt came from behind me, and gripped my white, fluffy tail. 

I turned to him growling, even though he was twice my size I still jumped at him and bit him right in the neck, he yelped, and let go of my tail.

I started to run towards the hunter, that now had his gun aimed with shaking hands, he was young, around 19. He wore a helmet and night vision goggles. So I really couldn't see his face. I stood in front of the hunter protectivly, I don't know where I got the guts to stand up to Jay but I did and it felt good.

Just as Jay took a step towards us, a blur of snady colour came rushing from the side at me, the impact came hard and I was flung into a nearby tree. The air rushed out of me. 

I was pinned as I watched Jay and Curt both jump at the hunter at the smae time bringing him down with force, he yelled in pain as teeth dug into his skin and ripped through his jacket. 

Andy had me pinned with his teeth on my neck making me watch, as I struggled and whimpered. The mans screams turned to a gurgle, within seconds of the atttacks, I felt so bad, he was new to this life, he didn't deserve to be a part of this he should be doing fun teen things.

Andy tightened his jaws on my throat and I could feel the blood start to seek through my white fur, the air was being choked out of me, with my back two legs, I kicked him in the stomach digging my claws into him.

He yelped and jumped back in surprise as he fell backwrads, I had a chance this time to run, and so I did.

I had a disadvantage this time. I was a wolf, and I was as strong as them, and as fast.

I felt something like pride build into my chest, and I let it out, into a long beautiful howl through the night air. 

I was a still Ericka, even with a big change, and I was going to stop this before anything bad happens. I had all the pride in the world. No matter how much pain I went through at least I'd know I tried to help. 

I know they will catch me, they always do, but it's always worth a shot.








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