Arthur- Keeping you safe

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"War has rained down on my kingdom and you expect me to sit here and do nothing!" I shout, slamming my fists down onto the table angrily. 

"We are sending reinforcements." Uther explained leaning forward on the table, his elbows propping him up. 

"You are only sending six companies of men." I spat. "They will be slaughtered. They need a leader."

"They have the captain." Arthur stepped in looking me in the eye. 

"My kingdom needs their queen." I snapped, glaring at Arthur. He may be my husband but at this point in time he was an enemy of my kingdom standing in the way of it's needs. 

"You're right." He stood up tall, rolling his shoulders back as he did so, his orbs seeing into mine. "That is why you are staying here, because your kingdom needs you alive. You can't rule if you are dead!" 

"At least if I die," I started, I too standing straight as If my back was pulled straight by a piece of string. "Then I die for my kingdom. I die knowing that I did all I could for my people and I didn't sit in a chair discussing tactics." 

I shoved my chair back, the sound of the bottoms scraping across the floor echoing around the room, as I stalked out the door. I could hear Arthur following me across the halls, calling for me louder and louder each time. I finally stopped, twirling around to face him, my skirt creating a spiralling circle as I did so. 

"What Arthur?" I snapped my anger still pounding through my veins. 

"You have to understand that i am doing this because I love you." His pleading tone caused my anger to subside slightly, but not enough for me to forget what he is doing to me and to my Kingdom. 

"You love a girl! Not a queen! If you did then you would let me go and help my people!" I was no longer screaming at him, simply shouting as it seemed the only way to get across my anger. "I have a country to protect! What about that don't you understand!" 

"I have to protect you! You are more important!" Arthur's hands were shaking as he pointed at me . 

Servants heads were peering around doors as our new of our quarrel spread throughout the castle. 

"To you." I lowered my tone as I spoke quietly but my voice still shook with power and anger. "I am a Queen. You may be my King consort but I rule over the kingdom, my kingdom and no one, not even my own husband, will tell me how to do that." 

"Guards." Arthur's voice was full of regret as guards surrounded me. I spun, raising my eyebrows at him, as he spoke out instructions to his men. "Lock the queen in a cell allow no contact with anyone except me." 

"What do you think you are doing?" I snapped. 

"I am keeping you safe." 

"By locking me in a cell!" I snapped, Arthur simply avoided my gaze as he gestured for the knights surrounding me to take me away. One gently grasped my arm but I shrugged my arm out of his hold. 

"My lady if you please." 

I ignored the guard stepping forward towards Arthur as I looked him in the eye. 

"If my kingdom falls, I will never forgive you for this." 

I walked away, holding my head high desperately trying to ignore the feeling of my heart slowly breaking. Arthur spoke quietly as i walked away, probably thinking that I couldn't hear him, but I did and it only caused tears to grace my eyes and cheeks. 

"I know." 

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