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BECAUSE OF SAM WILSON'S association with The Avengers and Captain America, people would think that he'd constantly be riding a quinjet, travelling from country to country, kicking ass along side his two parters, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, going on missions upon missions, the cycle never ending. But that wasn't the case at all. Unlike Steve, whom was always on missions, always away hopping from one continent to another, constantly busy, either solo or with Agent Romanoff, Sam Wilson most certainly couldn't relate to his busy schedule. Frankly, Wilson was fed up, and bored. Apart from his helping hand down at the Veterans Administration and his side mission from Steve Rogers — To find his beloved best friend, Bucky Barnes, — he quite literally had nothing else to do in his spare time, which seemed to be all the time. After his morning run, which he used to do along side Steve, he would go down to the VA for a couple of hours. After that, he would maybe do a little grocery shopping or go down to the park for a change of scenery. But other than those tedious and overdone activities, the remainder of his time was spent playing video games, ordering takeout, and sleeping. Sam was yearning for a change of lifestyle, for a little danger. At one point, he even guiltily wished he was back on the adrenaline filled battlefield, just so he could go back to what he does best; fighting.

   That is why he currently sat in a luxurious white sofa, with white walls and white floors, except for one which was covered in glass from top to bottom, overlooking the hills which they were on. Advanced technology lined the doors and the wall behind him, along with a single glass desk infront of him, littered with stacks of papers and office stationary. He had been waiting for almost an hour for him in this room. Whenever he asked how much longer he'd take, the guards said nothing but, "He's in a meeting." Sam grew bored and frustrated, to the point until he almost got up and stormed out of the facility, until he remembered what he was really here for.

A short while passed before the door behind him finally opened up, a tall dark man walking in, black cape billowing behind him and heavy boots thudding against the floor underneath him. He didn't look that much different from the last time Sam had seen him, except for the fact that his wounds were healed and he has seemed to return to his business only, emotionless demeanour. His gaze only momentarily flickered to Sam, who watched his every step until he finally reached his glass desk, taking a seat soon after.

   Once seated comfortably in the leather chair, he leaned back and looked hardly at Sam with scrutiny, as though he was trying to find some hidden secret just by staring at his face. The younger male didn't mind at first, knowing that the man infront of him was now more weary and cautious of the people that entered his new facility which he was so desperately trying to rebuild. But after a few seconds of nothing but silence between the pair, Sam began to grow uncomfortable under Fury's gaze, all of a sudden feeling as though every part of him was shouting the words, "Traitor! Liar!"

   To attempt to break the silence which was ever growing in awkwardness, Sam cleared his throat and shifted forward in his seat, at which Fury calmly leaned back in reaction. "You called?" Was all Sam thought to say. He felt intimidated, and with that no other witty conversation starters besides from that came to his mind.

  Fury cocked a brow and let out a short scoff, "Boy, it's about time you spoke up. Were you just going to let me stare at you forever? Do you think I have that kind of time?"

At that, Sam let out a slight breath that he wasn't aware of holding in. Having Fury breaking the silence rather than him resided more comfortably with Sam, and now he felt like he usually did. "I wouldn't have taken so long if you weren't staring at me like a dog would be staring at a bone."

"Did you just compare me to a dog?"

"And what if I did?"

    Nicholas Fury —who was now beginning to question why he ever called the Bird here — rose from his seat and turned around to the small table behind him, and poured himself a well needed drink. He sighed as the sharp drink went down his throat, feeling it instantly reducing the stress upon him. "If I was in my right mind, I'd shoot you right now. But I contacted you for a reason, and if you try to interrupt at any point or come up with a witty remark, I will blow your bird costume up in smithereens."

   Sam was too shocked by the threat to even care about the fact that he called it a bird costume — although it did register in his mind, and he made sure to never let it go. So he sat patiently and quietly, intrigued by what Fury wanted him here for. He so wished it was a mission, or multiple missions. He just wanted to be out there, cold wind hitting his face as he flew, blowing things up and fighting. He even missed the pain and the bruises he tended to receive after every mission.

"As you may know," Fury began after he made sure his message sank within Sam, shortly sitting back in his seat. "The Avengers are on their own mission to find Loki's Staff, and obviously, I didn't invite you to join that mission." Sam blankly stared at Fury when as he said that, not seeing why it was nessecary to bring up.

   "But there's a reason for that." He continued, and that's when Sam perked up. "When S.H.I.E.L.D fell, many of our secret weaponary, that only very few knew about the creation of, were stolen. We didn't realise they were taken from us until they started appearing in the black market all around the world. Already, drug lords and terrorists have gotten their hands upon them and caused destruction, using them as a way to wreck havoc and impliment fear, rather than for the original purpose, to keep order and save the world. These weapons, in the wrong hands, are extremely dangerous, and unfortunately, some have fell into the wrong hands, and as I told you before, have been used and have caused deaths and demolition." He paused for a moment to take a drink from his glass, then set it back down on the table. "So, I set up a team, one that will go around the world on missions and recover these said weapons. And I'm inviting you to be a part of this team."

   It took several seconds for all the newfound information to register in Sam's mind, and when it did, he felt ecstatic. Although he wasn't exactly too keen on the idea of a "team", he was more than happy to deal with them if it meant that he could be back on the field, being face to face with danger. The whole thing almost seemed too good to be true, as though it was a dream and he would wake up any second, and be back in his lonely apartment. Sam even pinched his thigh to attempt to wake himself up, and when he was certain that he was indeed, very wide awake and Nicholas Fury indeed, did invite him on not one mission, but a series of them, a grin found it's way into his face. "I'm in." He simply said in agreement, and that was that.

   Fury opened a drawer that was underneath his desk, and pulled out a thick file. Standing up and rounding the table, he chucked the said file onto Sam's lap, whom picked it up and stared at it with weariness. "That's a file with all the information about every weapon to our knowledge that was taken from us. Read it, learn about the weapons, their level of danger, how to handle them, how to be safe around them, memorise it, because your life could depend on it." He took a deep breath and finally looked Sam sternly in the eyes. "S.H.I.E.L.D, and the world, is depending on you and your team, Wilson."

   Sam nodded in understanding, knowing what it meant to have people depend on you to save them. He's done it before, he can easily do it again. "I understand." He said, voicing his thoughts. With a clear of his throat, he asked the question which he'd been yearning to ask ever since Fury told him of the mission. "So, when do we start?"

   With a slight perk to the corner of his lips, Fury replied, "Well, right now of course."

published: 13/11/2016

I'm hoping this wasn't too boring? I've written and re-written was seems like a thousand times to get it somewhat okay. I promise that it'll (hopefully) get more interesting.

I'm aiming for this to be around, I don't know, 20-25 chapters? We'll see. :)

Feedback is very very much appreciated!

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