Chapter seven

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As night fell I reluctantly dragged myself back to my house, as I entered my house I saw Prim sitting in the living room watching television, I walked over and sat beside her I then asked,
"Prim, did mum make you anything to eat?"
"No, Katniss she came home from work, then just went to her room." Prim said, I seethed my teeth and then went to the kitchen to make Prim and I some dinner, ignoring the anger which was bubbling inside of me.

Half an hour later Prim and I were sitting in our dining room eating some pasta, we didn't talk as we didn't have anything to say, I mean it was the day of my fathers death, what did I expect? Prim left the table silently so I cleaned up and put everything away, I was pretty tired from being in the woods all day, that I just went to my room for the night.

I got into my pyjamas and put on some clothes, I turned my t.v on, but I didn't pay any attention to it, I just stared into space thinking about all the happy times with my father, the times I will never forget.

Breaking me out of my train of thought was the buzz of my phone indicating I had a new message, I clicked on the screen, I saw that the message was Peeta, I clicked on the message faster then I have ever done before, the message read,

Peeta 🍞
Hey, are you okay, I was worried about you?

My heart thumped in my chest I hastily wrote down a quick message,

Katniss 🏹
Hey, I'm okay , but I'm gonna go to bed so, night.

I then turned off my phone and went to bed,
As I lay in bed I realised that the biggest lie that I had told today was,
I'm okay...

Hope you enjoy the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.
Holly xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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