Chapter 9: Tears of Joy

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Red's PoV:
Me and Rose came home, we sat on the couch and I instantly held onto her, burying my head into her chest. She giggled and wrapped her warm arms around me.
"You still happy from work?" She said softly, gently stroking my hair and rubbing my back.
"Of course, it's not everyday you get told you're gonna be a father," I said. My voice was muffled but it was clear I still had tears in my eyes. I leaned up a bit, and lifted up her shirt. I gently rubbed her stomach with my thumb.
"Hi, baby," I whispered into her stomach, "this is your daddy. I can't wait to meet you," I softly kissed her stomach, pulled her shirt down, and leaned back onto her chest. Rose leaned her head onto mine and kissed my head, and wrapped her legs around my waist. We stayed like this before she got up to prepare some dinner. I came after her and helped. We made her homemade pasta sauce. We ate and shortly after, we went to bed, planning out our day for shopping.

*Time skip until the morning*

Surprisingly, I woke up first, super excited for buying stuff for the baby. I got dressed and made some breakfast, before I heard Rose coming downstairs. I turned around and saw her yawning, rubbing her eyes and scratching her head. Her hair was braided but was sticking out at the top of her head.
"Morning, baby," I said, kissing her cheek, and putting her breakfast on the table.
"Morning, honey," she groaned, and slumped down on the table.
"You okay," I said, putting our plates on the table, sat down and took her hand from across from her.
"Mmm, I feel nauseous," she moaned, still trying to open her eyes.
"Awh, well that's what happens when you've got baby number 2 growing inside you," I said, rubbing my thumb on her hand, and ate some bread and jam. She groaned again, and drank some tea that I made, and slowly ate the bread.
"Are you well enough to go shopping with me, or would you like to stay home," I asked, finishing up my breakfast and picking up our plates and putting them in the sink. She out her hands on her head. I came over and squatted down next to her, and rubbed her back.
"Don't force yourself to come, just stay home and relax today. Tell you what, I'll do some shopping and I'll buy you something nice to eat, maybe your favourite pizza?" I said. Her head shot up, and she grinned. She leaned forward and kissed me.
"Awh, thank you baby," she said, and I pulled her hair behind her ear. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. I picked her up, and put her on our bed. I gave her some hot tea, and the remote for the tv. I gently stroked her hair, and kissed her forehead.
"I'll be back soon. If you need anyone, call me or Alesa or Adam," I said, stroking her cheek. She smiled up at me, and pulled me towards her, and kissed me.
"Thank you, I'll see you later," she said, drinking some tea, and turned on the tv. I closed the bedroom door, and got into my car. I drove to the mall, and started looking around for something related to baby stuff. I bought parts for a cot, some wallpaper, little toys, some small clothing with tiny shoes, a buggy, small forks, spoons, knifes, bowls, as well as baby food. I carried it all to the car, and decided to buy some food, as well as the pizza I promised Rose. I bought the food, and brought that to the car, too. I was about to head home, before an idea struck me. I headed back to the mall, and went into one particular shop.

*Time skip to getting home*

I got home quite late, and brought everything inside. I put the food in the fridge and hauled the baby stuff upstairs. I quietly opened the door, and looked at the bed. I saw a sleeping Rose, looking peaceful and was curled up into a ball. I smiled and went towards her. I pulled the covers up to her chin and kissed her cheek, and turned away. I then felt a hand grab mine, and I turned back round to a very sleepy Rose, with half opened eyes looking up at me.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whispered down to her. She shook her head and yawned.
"No, to be honest, I fell asleep about 10 minutes ago," she moaned, sitting up in the bed.
"Don't get up, I'll come up with something for you to eat, and then I'll join you in bed," I said, pulling the covers over her. She giggled and crawled back into bed, and slide to her side of the bed. She pulled the covers off and showed my side of the bed, gesturing to me how comfortable it looked. I smirked and went downstairs, cut up half of her pizza and heated it up. I made myself something and brought everything upstairs. She took her plate, and I lay mine on the nightstand, while I got undressed. I climbed into bed and we started to eat, while watching some tv. We finished and I took the plates downstairs. I came back upstairs, and cuddled with Rose, until the film ended. I yawned and stretched.
"Thank you for taking care of me, and for shopping all day," whispered Rose, "come here," she said, opening her arms to me. I leaned towards her and she pulled me into her chest. I felt her warmth, and wrapped my arms around my arms around her back. I felt her kiss my head, and lean her head onto mine. I smiled and kissed her collar bone, and onto her neck. She pulled my chin up and I kissed her lips. I then collapsed onto her chest again, and fell asleep with her warm arms wrapped around me.

*Time skip a week*

Rose's PoV:
I woke up in an empty bed, and a text message from Red.
"I have to go to work earlier today for some important business but Adam told me he'd come and collect you. Love you."
I shrugged and Adam texted me, saying he'd pick me up in about an hour, so I got out of bed, and got dressed, ate breakfast and got ready in the bathroom. Adam later text and said he was outside. I got my purse and phone and left the house. I got into Adam's car.
"Heyyy, girlfriend," he said, screaming at me.
"How much coffee did you have this morning," I said, shaking my head and laughing. Adam looked at me and held up two fingers. I laughed and we drove to work. We got there very slowly, thanks to the traffic, but just on time. Me and Adam walked into the office, when he suddenly covered my eyes.
"Um, err, Adam, what are you doing?" I said, trying to take his hands off me.
"Something amazing," he said, and walked me through the offices. We came to a stop and he took his hands off. I then saw everyone standing in an semi circle, grinning at me. I looked at them suspiciously, when Red came in front of them, smiling sweetly at me. I smiled back, and looked around, confused at what was happening. He then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small box. My eyes widened and I put my hands on my mouth.
"Rose, you've been my everything for this past year, and I know we've only been together for that long, but I just have the feeling that you'll be mine forever, so," he started, and got down on one knee, "will you marry me?" He opens the box, and inside was a silver ring, with a silver rose on it. I felt a tear leave my eye, as I nodded.
"Yes," I said, wiping my eyes. He smiled and he got up, hugged and kissed me. Everyone around us cheered and clapped. We thanked them, and continued our day, but I never smiled as much as I did from that morning.

*Time skip a few month*

I was doing some art at home, while Red was at work, when I got a text from Alesa.
"So, I have a question"
"What's up"
"Have you wanted to find out the gender of your baby, or are you waiting until the due date?"
"Well, it would be nice to find out the gender before its born"
"Well, would you like to find out today with me?"
"Sure, that's sounds fun"
"Alright, then, I'm coming over in a minute"
I saved the art, and waited for Alesa to come over. She knocked on the front door, and told me to get in the car. We drove over to the doctors, while explaining to me what would going to happen. When we got there, we got into the room, and the doctor got set up. We out the freezing cold gel on my stomach, and put the scanner on me. We all looked at the screen, and we saw an image of the baby.
"Awh, so cute," said me and Alesa. The doctor smiled and then showed us the gender.
"Would you like me to print out a sheet of the details?" Asked the doctor. I nodded, and he printed it off. He gave it to me, and we left.
"Awh, I'm so happy, I really wanted that gender," I said, squealing like a fan girl. Alesa hugged me and we drove back to my house.
"So, you gonna tell Red?" She asked.
"Of course, but I've got to do it creatively, cause that's more adorable and really cute," I said, while she nodded.

*Time skip to the next day*

Red's PoV:
I woke up, with Rose's arm around my chest, and her face huddled up next to mine. I kissed her cheek, making her open up her eyes.
"Morning," she said, rubbing her eyes.
"Morning, babies," I said, talking to her and her stomach. She smirked and rubbed her stomach, and I did the same. We got up, and got texts from Adam, telling us to come in an hour later. Me and Rose decided to take our time and eat a large breakfast. We got dressed and headed to work. When we got there, we entered the building, and saw no one. We checked the time, and saw John staring into my office.
"Yo, John, what's wrong," I said, and I opened my door. I then saw a whole bunch of white balloons, scattered around the floor, couch, and my desk, as well as the walls, and my in my chair.
"Wh-what happened in here? Who did this?" I said, turning around to everyone. Rose then stepped forward, and looked up innocently at me. I raised an eyebrow at her, I opened my mouth, but no words came out.
"You missed one," she said, and walked into my office. She then pointed to a balloon, that was the colour pink. She turned to me, and smiled.
"It's baby pink, so would can you think of from all this," she said, putting her hand on her stomach. I looked at her stomach, and my eyes widened, and I looked at her.
"It's a girl?" I barely managed to say, putting my fingers through my hair. She smirked and nodded. I turned to everyone, as they clapped and put their thumbs up at us. I hugged her, and knelt down to her stomach, and kissed it.
I don't deserve either of you, I thought, smiling to myself.

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