Chapter 2

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I'm going to FUCKING screw if wattpad delete this AGAIN!!!!!!

Ross' pov

"K-Keeley is that really you? Have I really found you? I promise this time I will be the bestest friend you have ever had and I will make sure I stay in touch with even if it means going against you parents rules" I gushed after I finished she ran into my arms crying her eyes out. Even when she's crying she's beautiful and I can never lose her again. "I'm so sorry Ross I never meant to do it and then it all happen and I just got so mad and I couldn't help it I'm sorry please don't hate me!" She wailed why I cradled her, rocking her back and forth even though we were in the middle of the street. "Keeley what happen? You know you can tell me everything right? Please calm down and tell me what happen s l o w l y ok?" She just nodded then dragged me upstairs across and large landing and up another set of stairs. "Wow this house is huge" I thought to myself as she dragged me across another landing. When we got to the end there was a ladder "sooooo where's your room?" I said. She pointed to the ladder then pointed up. I sighed and she started climbing the ladder, when there was enough room I followed her.

We got to the top and I say down on her computer chair " now we are here tell me what's wrong" I said to her she sat down and started to explain " well what happen was when you left I got a boyfriend and we were out one night and I kinda said that I use to date Ross Lynch and this boy happened to be the person that you ex cheated on you with and he asked to meet you. So I told him the true and we never went out again but we kept seeing each other and I went round his one day and your ex was there and they were making out so I burst into tears and he said he was sorry and it was just a one time thing and could I forgive him and all that crap. You know I wouldn't of said yes so instead of saying anything I ran and locked myself in the bathroom, the next thing I knew I was jumping into a boiling hot bath with b-blood trickling down my arms and legs. I know I shouldn't of said anything about you and I know suicide is never the answer but I was just mad! I'm so sorry I know you probably hate me know but before you run of I want to say I'm so sorry and I love you and I want to spend my life with you" and the next thing I knew her lips were on mine, it took me a minute to realise what she was doing but when I got the hang of it I started to kiss back. We pulled apart and she ran out of the room and down the ladder. I ran after her because I heard a yell, then a bang and then a scream, a high pitched girl scream. When I got there she was on the floor unconscious...

A/N who do u think it is that fell write it in the comments.

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