Chapter 5

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Before I start I just wanted to say that I'm writing this chapter at 4:30 in the morning and it kinda creeped me out also if you don't like horror/romance I suggest you don't read this chapter.

Ross' POV

"Keeley! Keeley! Please wake up, I need you to be alright. I love you and I know it sounds so cliché but you complete me and I don't know what I would do without you." I cried before nurses and doctors came rushing over to help me. I got a message from an unknown number and it freaked me out! It read... "Watch out 'cause ya don't know what's gonna happen next." I obviously seemed scared because a hot girl walked over (and when I say hot I mean HOT) "are you ok? You seemed scared!" She asked in a caring voice as she sat on the chair next to me "I-I-I'm fine thanks" I said reassuringly "Ok, I'm Halie! What's your name?" Halie asked me holding out her hand for her to shake it "I'm Ross, nice to meet you" I said, gladly shaking her hand. I looked at our hands then I looked into her eyes. She had a little mascara, top and normal eyeliner and lipgloss on. Our eyes locked and as if we had the same thought we both started to lean in. Our lips touched and it's like sparks were flying through our body and the world disappeared. We pulled back to breath but keeping our foreheads touching. "C-can I have your n-n-number please?" I asks stammering. She nodded and so I passed her my phone and she passed me hers. We exchanged numbers before she got up and walked to where she was before. The nurse came over and said "Keeley is awake now but I'm going to have to ask you to explain the cuts and the bruises and the rope burns all over her body, ok?" I nodded my head and followed the nurse into her room in silence. I told her everything and she said she wouldn't say anything about it to anyone except me and Keeley.

I walked into Keeley's hospital room and she had a broken shoulder and had also broken her collar bone. She was lead in her bed pale as a ghost but when she saw me her face lit up like a lit bulb. I walked over to her and sat down beside the chair next to her but she pulled me down on the bed next to her before I went to shut the door. She slammed her lips onto mine and I glided my tongue across her lips p, begging for entrance that she granted and our tongues were fighting for dominance. I rolled us over so she was on top and was straddling me. Someone cleared their throat causing us to look up. At the door stood a clearly pissed off but heartbroken Halie. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and her make up was smudged. I hid behind Keeley trying not to make eye contact with either of them "Ross who is this?" They both said calmly at the same time pointing to each other! "Ummmmmmmmm, Keeley this is Halie, Halie this is Keeley!" I said quickly to prevent stuttering

Halie's POV

I followed Ross to the room he went to and was looking in the window, I felt anger spread across my face as I saw Ross make out with another girl. I lost it when he pulled her on top. I walked to the doorway and cleared my throat to make sure they heard. Ross looked up and you could see the guilt spread across his face. He introduced us and after he did I just walked out not wanting to hear anything more about that girl...

A/N to be continued

I love you Ross LynchWhere stories live. Discover now