chapter 14 "The last kiss"

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Sam's POV:

"Taurtis?!?" I chocked out as the figure stood above me, he raised the scalpel in his right hand, directly above my left arm, I closed my eyes as the tears that fell from Taurtis face fell onto mine.
I squeezed my eyes closed as I waited for the Scalpel to Pierce my skin.
I opened one of my eyes when I heard a creaking noise, and then opened the other when I saw a the scalpel in one of the bounds that held my arm to the table, I let out a sigh of relief.
Taurtis looked up at me, his left eye was the regular black and the right on was a dark grey.
Once Taurtis undid all my bounds, he helped me sit up, and I grabbed the wound on my left arm as the mist air resulted in it stinging some more.
I looked up at Taurtis who just stood there, staring at my left arm.
"S-Sam" Taurtis let out in a low whisper, I stood up off the cold metal table, and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug, he hugged me back.
I let go of him, "But didn't Xela- I mean Salex say that she was controlling you?" I asked him quietly, he nodded slowly "i-i was able to f-fight back.." he replied quietly as I nodded.
"Do you know the way out?" I asked him again and he nodded, grabbing my hand he leads me over to the door way.
I peer into the hall way, I felt Taurtis grab the back of my shirt, and pull me back into the room.
" Careful." He told me quietly, I nodded and stood there for a moment but didn't hear anything, "I don't hear her.." I whispered under my breath and he nodded.
He grabbed my hand, and I blushed slightly.
He lead me slowly down the hall, my right ear twitched, as I stopped him, "I hear her" I whispered to him, as he pulled me into a small empty room.
I heard her heels clicking down the hall, and her singing, "You are my senpai, my only senpai." Salex sang happily, Taurtis covered my mouth, as I let out a low whimper.
"You give me dokie's in shades of grey." Salex continued to sing, we watched as she disapeared out of view, "she's gone." Taurtis told Mr quietly, I nodded as he grabbed my hand and brought me back out into the hall, we slowly walked threw the hall way, we stopped when I heard low whimpering, "Taurtis I hear something..." I whispered, he gave me a confused look as I moved one of my ears, he nodded as he understood in understanding.
He tightened his grip on my hand and we stepped into the dark room.
"N-No! Please... N-No M-More! I-I can't take it." A feminine voice choked out in a low whisper, "W-Who's there?" I asked them quietly as Taurtis stepped forward.
"S-Sam?" The feminine voice asked, "Y-Yea?" I replied quietly, "I-Its Y-Yuki" she choked out, "T-Taurtis we have to help her." I told My Friend in a low whisper, he nodded as he stepped forwards, as my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that yuki was held down by the same bounds as I was, she had a stab wound in her right arm, and bruises all over her, she had cuts that were made with a small knife, it looked like the inflicter just cut were ever.
"T-Taurtis? But Y-Your on Salex's side" she exclaimed confused, "She was controlling him." I whispered quietly as Taurtis grabbed a small Scalpel shaped key off the wall, he walked over to Yuki's side as her eyes widened "S-Sam he's gonna stab me!" She exclaimed as she looked up at Taurtis with fear.
"yuki its fine" I told her, but she started to panic, Taurtis undid her bounds and she didn't notice until he lifted her off the table.
"Did you really think that I should willingly stab you Yuki?" Taurtis asked her with a hurt expression, she hugged him smiling, "I'm sorry brother" she sobbed quietly into his chest, he shushed her and stroked her hair.
"Its ok, but we gotta go.." Taurtis whispered quietly, Yuki nodded as she grabbed my hand, Taurtis grabbed my other one as we once again ventured out into the hall, we quietly walked down the hall, yuki attempted to sneeze but Taurtis stopped her.
"wait Taurtis if yuki was still alive, then Chan could be" I told him quietly, he shook his head, tears beginning to form underneath his eyes.
Yuki hugged him and wiped away his tears, "Taurtis we know you didn't mean to its OK nobody blames you." She told him as he gave a soft smile, "T-Thanks.." he muttered softly as he pulled us down the hall more.
My ears twitched as I heard a soft beeping, "Do you guys hear that?" I asked them, but they both shook there heads, the beeping got louder, suddenly red lights started to flash around us, "oh no she knows you gone!" Taurtis exclaimed, he gripped tighter in my hand as he pulled us down the hall, we kept running as we entered a two way road, "Let's go right!" Yuki told us as we both nodded, Taurtis pulled us down the hall as I heard swift foot steps behind us, "Hurry she's coming!" I told them.
Taurtis gained a determined look on his face.
We entered a old dusty living room with a black carpet, dark Green walls, and violet furniture, me and Taurtis hid behind a sofa as yuki hid behind a arm chair.
We heard Salex giggling maniacally, "Oh No, the Rats have escaped I hope I can catch them!" She exclaimed, I heard her foots steps as Yuki screamed, "Sam!" She shrieked as Salex pulled her out from behind the arm chair, I stood up as I reached out for her, "Yuki!" I yelled back as Salex held a knife to her Neck, "Give me Sam, or I'll cut her pretty little Neck!" Salex told Taurtis.
Tears fell slowly from his eyes as he looked at me and then at Yuki.
Yuki was crying uncontrollably, and tears slowly formed in my eyes as i stepped out from around the couch, "Sam!" Taurtis said as he grabbed my hand, "Let me go Taurtis," I told him, who had more tears staining his cheeks, he slowly let go if my hand as I turned back to face Salex, "Let her go!" I told Salex who giggled, "OK I'll let her go.... TO HELL!" She screamed as she sliced the knife across Yuki's neck, Her eyes widened in shock as flood flowed form her neck, she choked on the blood that flooded he throat, Salex giggled as she let Yuki fall to the floor.
"Y-Yuki?" I asked quietly as I looked back up at salex, who just smiled evilly, Taurtis grabbed my hand and again pulled me towards him, I didnt stop him bad eventually he pulled me out of the room.
Once again we ran down the hall, the Tears i shed flew from my face as we ran, Taurtis gripped my hand tighter as he pulled me into another large room, I heard salex close behind us, we ran to a big pair of silver double doors.
We both pushed them outwards and the cool night air drifted over us, Taurtis drug me threw an alleyway, and out into the Roads of yandere City!
I sighed in relief.
I took it back when Salex burst threw the double doors, Taurtis pulled me down the streets of yandere city, the cold air felt relaxing.
We reached our apartment, and ran inside, he pulled me up into out room, we hid behind the bunk bed.
"Taurtis s-since were not gonna make it out of this one. Can I asked you something?" I asked Taurtis quietly as tears formed in my eye's, he nodded and I sighed, "Salex said you broke up with her before she faked her death, she also said that you said you loved somebody els..... who was it," I asked him quietly as I heard the downstairs door crash open.
"He looked me in the eyes quietly and squeezed my hand, I closed my eyes as the Door of our room Crashed open, and a pair Of lips crashed against mine.

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