Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to AJ Anderson


Carmen returned a short while later with our drink orders. She looked at Kella’s empty seat, “Your friend left?” I nodded, “Can I just have the check please?” Carmen smiled, “I get off in a half hour.” I knew this game. Lesbians were like vultures; they catch you alone and they attack. Like Kella said, she didn’t know if Kella and I were a couple or not. Yet, here she was, smiling in my face, trying to get me out of my suit. “Ok. May I have my check please?” She frowned, and then stalked off.

I couldn’t understand it. I’d practically begged Kella to stay at the restaurant with me. I wanted to let her know that I was beyond apologetic for what I’d said. Still, she left. She mumbled something about knowing that this was a bad idea, before she jetted out of the booth. I followed her, but she had already hopped into a waiting town car, and pulled off.

I admitted to being dead wrong for listening to my coworkers about her whorish ways. They told me how she stayed in that club, damn near preying on the women who came in and out. They told me how she always left with a different woman each night. Sometimes those women would return to the club looking for her. These women would march up to her table, demanding more time with her or cussing her out for using and dismissing them. They told me that when that happened, her body guard promptly removed them from her table and the women would usually leave crying or screaming revenge.  I didn’t believe them at first, but when she’d used that lame ass pick up line on me, I knew that they were right.

So, I went home and I did my own research. Turns out she was the CEO (and not the greedy type) of an international medical supply company.  She volunteered all over the world, for what seemed like hundreds of charities and non-profits. Her volunteer efforts were put to shame by the amount of money that she donated to those same organizations.  Apparently the only thing she didn’t care about were the feelings of whatever woman she was fucking that night. The more I read about her, the more I wanted to break down the barriers surrounding her heart. I wanted to know that Kella. That’s why I’d asked around for her number. That’s why I’d asked her out this evening.

Apparently, I’d offended her again. Maybe she didn’t like people talking about what she did behind closed doors. I didn’t have a clue what it was, but I knew that this wouldn’t be the last time that she heard from me.

After five minutes of politely declining Carmen’s advances, she finally took my check, and I left. While waiting for the valet to bring my truck around, I called my best friend, Morgan, to vent. She answered after the third ring, “Shouldn’t you be on a date?” I sighed, “She left.” I heard some moving around, “She left? For what?” “I have no idea, Morgan. I was apologizing to her, then she was up and gone. I begged her to stay and talk. She left.” I heard Morgan laughing, “You’ve never been good at saying that you’re sorry.  What exactly did you say?” I hesitated, “I may have mentioned something about knowing what she was all about--.” “Daisy!” “What!? It was followed by my saying that I wanted to get to know her better.” I shook my head, I was horrible at apologizing. What did I do now? Both times that I had encountered this woman, I had completely fucked up. In a roundabout way, I’d basically called her a whore. Wasn’t that what she was though? “Morgan, remind me again why I’m going after this broad?” She huffed, “I don’t know. I asked you that same question when you called yourself doing research on the bitch.” Morgan took a breath. When she did that, it was usually followed by some long ass, self righteous speech that pissed me off more than it helped.

“Daisy, I don’t care how much giving her ass does; she’s still fucked every bitch that she runs into. You can’t turn someone into something that they aren’t. That bitch is a hoe. Do I need to spell it for you? She’s an H-O-E. And she is definitely not worth your time. Besides being a hoe, isn’t she superficial as hell? Like dripping diamonds just to wash the car, superficial? Are you trying to lose what money that you do have? We already know she’s worth millions, how much of that goes to her head? She probably thinks she’s the dominant one. Hmph, she’ll probably have your ass on all fours, begging. She’s cute, fucking beautiful, I’ll give her that. But her attitude, are you ready for that?”

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