Chapter 6

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I was lounging in a cabana atop Chaparral's rooftop, with my mother, enjoying a bottomless mimosa brunch. I'd just finished divulging the horrendous details of last night's date to her. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes were wide and disapproving. After what seemed like forever, I finally said, "Well! Say something, Mom." She sighed, "What do you want me to say, Kella? That I agree with you walking out on the woman?" I shook my head, "Not necessarily. But something would be nice!" She looked around nervously, "Kella, I rarely speak on your lifestyle choices." "And?" I said, interrupting her. She glared at me. I mumbled a quick apology. "Kella, you were wrong. The girl takes you out, tries her hardest to apologize, and you leave the first second that she said something that you didn't like. What kind of second  chance was that? Missed opportunities is all you ever find in love, Kell."

"She called while I was on the way home. She wants to go out tonight." She grabbed my hands, "Despite knowing about your illustrious affairs, she clearly sees something in you that she wants to know. Stop being so damn prideful, and allow someone to know you! Your father and I don't want to leave knowing that you still can't get it quite right." She rubbed my arms, pulled my head into the cradle of her neck, and kissed the top of my head, "You owe it to yourself, Kella. If no one else. Besides, you look like the jack ass! Paying for a taxi home when you had a ride." I couldn't help but to laugh.

After we said our goodbyes, I retrieved my phone and powered it on. My mother hated phones going off while she was on an outing. My phone rang once during dinner and she tossed my phone into a drawer.  Seriously. 

I had a missed call from each of my girls and a singular text from Daisy. It read: Mini golf? Thanks for a third chance.

I couldn't believe it, I was beaming! Every fiber of my being was excited.  My mind, however, had it's usual reserves. Who the fuck goes mini golfing? Did I look like someone that you take mini golfing? Take me to Greenwich for some real golf!

Then again, reserves or not, she was on my mind. I hated to admit it, but I wanted to know more about this woman. Daisy. Why was she on my mind? What was it about her that had me so intrigued. I hadn't had sex I  days, but that was the furthest thing from my mind. I couldn't wait to see her. Fucking mini golf. 


Since we were going mini golfing, I didn't need to dress too fancy: dark washed jeans from Express, a sheer peach tank top from Gucci, and matching pumps. I couldn't not wear heels. I didn't go overboard with my makeup either, just a lite brush of eyeshadow and some clear lip gloss (thank you Gileen!).

I'd spoken to my girls earlier. Of course they'd called to see how my date went. After I'd told them, I'd gotten the same general response as my mother had given me. I didn't even bother telling about the upcoming date. Just in case I fucked this one up too.

At 6:30, Daisy was at my door, three white roses in hand. I smiled, thanked her, and invited her in while I found a vase. She had also opted for the relaxed look, blue jeans, a green button up, and green and black Air Maxes. "Your home is beautiful, Kella. These pillars are so detailed." "Thanks." I said, placing the vase on the foyer table, "Ancient civilizations used their architecture to tell their stories, I wanted to do the same." I pointed to the end of the pillar, "You see here, it's incomplete. My story isn't quite finished." She nodded, "I'll stick to my jazz. You keep history." I giggled, "Deal. You ready?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

When she started the truck, smooth jazz filled my ears again. I bopped along, "Who is this?" "Sara Martin and Fats Waller. It's called 'You Got Everything A Sweet Mama Needs But Me'. It's one of my favorites. Just listen to what she's saying."

After laughing at the ridiculousness of that song title, I closed my eyes, leaned back, and allowed the words to sink in:

Now, if you had me,
How happy we both could be!
I'd like to show you what you're missing.

As I listened, I hoped that Daisy was trying to to send me a subliminal message with this song. The piano solo was amazing. Breathtaking, really.

I opened my eyes to glance at her, only to find her staring right back at me. I think that I blushed. She wove her fingers through mines, pulled my hand to her lips, and gently kissed it, "I'm sorry, Kella."

Three little words. Three words that she'd said before. But, in this moment those three words meant something much more than before. The scene was set perfectly, but not intentionally. I appreciated the simplicity of that. Perhaps she did too. I wanted to say something that wouldn't ruin the moment, but I couldn't come up with anything. So, I settled for a wider smile and turning the song up.

We didn't unlock hands until we reached the course.

Blue Ridge Miniature Golf Course wasn't anything out of the ordinary. In fact, they only offered half a course. She paid for two rounds, and we were on our way.

I'm terrible at golf. I am, I can admit that. The only reason that I'd ever had to visit a real course was because I was hanging out in the country club. You can't learn shit in there. By the third hole, I noticed that she wasn't so great at this sport either. She'd just missed the ball, again. I laughed. She looked over at me, "You ain't doing shit out here either." I feigned shock, complete with me throwing my hand to my chest, "Me? Stand back! Let me show you a lil something something." She snickered then gestured for me to step past her. I stalked past her, puffing my chest out like some goofy looking muscle woman. I got down on my hands and knees, lining my eye with the ball. "Who are you? Michelle Wie?" She called. I snorted, "Don't make me laugh!" She threw her hands up. I continued my show, even signaling her that this was going to be a hole in one. I swung my club and whoosh! I missed the ball. We both fell out into a fit of laughter. "Niceee!" she said, "All that for what now?" 

The rest of the course went pretty much the same way. Along the way, I learned that she was 32, her father passed away when she was 17, she and her mom were very close (a bonus in my book), had her MBA, and owned quite a few gentleman's clubs.

"So, wait. Why are you serving tables then?" "I'm humble. I like meeting regular people. By that I mean, people who go out to party, not to impress. I'm always stuck in meetings about this and that." I felt my eyebrow rise. She clearly noticed, because she exclaimed,  "Don't get me wrong, I love it! That's why I spent time, money, and effort in school. I love running my own businesses. I just severely dislike being in a room full of stuck up people, focused on finances instead of enjoying life." I nodded, because I could sympathize, but I didn't know that feeling, "When you make a certain amount of money, you fall in place with a certain kind of people. It comes with the territory." She stopped, "And that's what all those people in the meetings say. It's about wealth and status and class. Not about the person." "That's what the world is about, Daisy." "Why are you here with me, Kella? Until a few minutes ago, I was just a server at a club. Yet, you gave me three opportunities to see what you're about."

She was right. It had taken some, but not much, coaxing to convince me to give her a chance. Waitress or not. I was still here. I wanted to try something new. Learning a person, not their status. Besides, it was rare to meet sexy, dom women who also happened to be multimillionaires. Daisy was that, and I hadn't known until I gave her a very rare chance.

"I couldn't get you out of my head." She smirked and grabbed my hand, "Come on. We only have a few putts left."

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