I have to go

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"fuck!" Kyle yells and runs out of the run to track down the person that took a photo of us kissing, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Oh my gosh, Kyle just made out with me? God what is going on with me? I meet the boy today and like 4 hours ago and we've already made out? He comes back in the room with the guy holding him by the collar of his shirt. "Apologize to her!" He tells the kid in a commanding voice. "I'm sorry!" The poor kid says in a pleading voice. I smile "I accept your apology." I say with a small smile. Kyle pushes the kids to the ground and he falls right in front of my feet. I step back "I'm so sorry miss" he says as he scrambles to stand up. "What's your name kid?" I ask nicely. "Tony" he says quietly. "Go ahead and get going so Kyle doesn't kill you and don't do that again okay?" I say in a soft but commanding tone. "Yes ma'am." He says as he runs out the run slamming it behind him leaving Kyle and I staring at each other.   "Sorry about that." He says sounding upset. "It's okay." I say "he walks slowly to me and says "now where were we babe" with a wink. I want to tell him exactly where we were but I know I shouldn't "I was just about to leave" I say in a soft tone sigh a smile. "Why so soon sexy?" He says as he wraps his arms around my waist again sending chills down my spine. "Because.. I.. I have to get going." I say as he runs his figures up and down my back slowly causing me to studder. "You don't sound like you want to go angel" he says with a smerk. What is he doing to me? I can't control myself when he touches me. "Kyle I.. I ha..have to go. But maybe another time." I tell him. He stops running his figures down my back but keeps his hands around my waist. He kisses me once again and says "okay sexy, but you owe me for leaving so soon" he says with a wink.  Oh no I wonder what he gonna make me do next time.

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