Part 5

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Andy wanted to ask Simba more questions, but he decided to stay quiet until they were somewhere safer. The look that had become stuck on Simba's face scared him too much to open his mouth anyway.

Simba could feel her heart racing as she drove. When they were nearly out of the city, she frowned at something that caught her eye in the rear view mirror.

"What?" Andy asked, sensing the shift in her.

Simba watched her mirror very carefully for a few moments before answering, "We're being followed."

"How could anyone be following us?"

"The only people in the world who know where headquarters is are agents," Simba noted. "No one else could have found you there to be following us. Maybe it's the protection detail Maurice said he'd give you."

"So people hired by the guy who wants me dead?" Andy pointed out, oh, so helpfully.

"We don't know that for sure yet," Simba argued. "All we've got is the word of a scared prisoner."

"Who tried to kill us. So do you believe him?"

"Look, of course I don't want it to be true. That's why we have to wait for Fox to find out who paid the guy," the agent continued. "She'll find out who it really is and we'll have nothing to worry about. But until we know for sure, my job is to keep you safe and alive, so that's what I—"

Simba didn't get to finish her sentence when the car was struck from behind hard enough to give both passengers a burning whiplash.

Looking in the rear view mirror, Simba saw it was the car that had been following them—and it was gearing up to rear-end them again.

Both passengers flung sideways as Simba quickly pulled the steering wheel as hard to the right as she could. She flew the car down the side street and left at the end. She was thankful it was late enough that traffic was near non-existent as they reached the outskirts of the city.

Just as Simba thought she'd lost their attackers, her car was struck from the side and Simba lost control of the steering. They crashed into a road barrier, causing Simba's head to fly into the steering wheel while Andy barely managed to get his hands to the dashboard to stop himself from being struck too.

Simba was disoriented from the collision but managed to ask Andy, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," he replied.

As they both tried to gather their thoughts to process their new predicament, Simba saw the attacking car flying back down the road towards them.

"Get out," she said to Andy. He looked at her like he didn't understand. "Move!" she yelled.

Simba's door was stuck so after Andy got himself free, she climbed over the console and followed him out. Grabbing his hand, she told him to run and dragged him out of the way before their car was crushed by the other vehicle.

As they ran down the street, Simba heard gunshots coming from behind them and pulled Andy down behind another road barrier.

The attacker's car screeched to a halt and Simba heard car doors opening before more gunfire surrounded them. Simba pulled her own gun out—making Andy wander where she could have possibly been concealing it.

"Stay down," she told Andy.

He didn't really know where else he was supposed to go, but he listened to her regardless.

As soon as the shots at them stopped, Simba ducked out and started firing back. After emptying half a clip at the attackers, Simba grabbed Andy again and dragged him with her at a run.

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