Chapter 3

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*Cole's Pov*

I hated pushing her into those lockers, I really did.

I mean, she was our future Luna for the moon goddesses sake!

But Chase had told me not to treat her any different then we did last year.

On the last day of term, Chase found his mate. Unfortunately, it was Alex, the nerd we had beat up all year. Chase was heart broken when he found out.

I mean, she was human and he was beating her up literately, throughout the whole year. He punched her, kicked her, called her names, all the sorts of things a bully would do.

On the last day if school, he touched her once, felt the sparks and ran away from her. Then he told everyone in our group about it, we had a plan to slowly reduce the amount of beatings, until it no longer happened, then Chase would tell her about our world, make up with her, mate, marry, ect.

We all wanted to help with his plan, as it was our future Luna.

Lets just hope she forgives us, I thought, as I headed into my English class.

*Alex's Pov*

As I walked towards the back of my English class, people -ok, it was only the mutts- swore at me, calling me

fat ass, whore, slut, bitch, e.c.t.

I found the 'bitch' part, really annoying, I'm not a freaking dog. They are, but I'm not. Stupid mutts.

I, of course, knew everything that was taught in Maths. Simple reason, really. I was there when 'Math' was invented. When people first created equations and all that shit.

Other then that, I've been to over 200 schools during my job. School was boring, I knew everything, I had a masters and/or PHD in many different things. Ranging from Art to Mechanics to physics. Most of the time, I zoned out and looked out the window, a perk for sitting at the back, also, I don't get called on very often.

After Math was science. Luckily we only had to do theory, not prac, which would mean a partner, which would mean that we'd have to do the assignment outside of school. It would be worse getting a 'fellow' nerd as a partner, as she/he would actually want to complete the assignment together and me being a nerd, would have no choice, but to say yes. Whereas, if I got a jock or popular or even a slut, I'd have to do it on my own. Which, I wouldn't mind.

I don't want any mutt to know my secret, not even my so called 'mate'.

He's seriously an ass. I mean, he continually 'bullies' me, even though I know, that he knows, that I'm his mate.

Ok, that was sorta confusing, to put it simply, even though he knows I'm his mate, he's still being the same jerk he always was to me. I'll admit that it isn't quite as bad, but still, I'm supposed to be his mate, the one he's supposed to love and cherish and never let go into battle. The one he's meant to mark, to not abuse.

Obviously Nyx and Artemis teamed up to make both our lives hell.

Incase your wondering, yes, Artemis is the moon goddess, one of the twelve and almighty, Gods of Olympus, she has many other titles and a complete different form, a Roman form, named Diana. But enough about that.

Nyx is the goddess of Darkness, she's a primordial goddess, meaning she's more powerful than the leader of the Olympians, Zeus. Her power is high up there, along with her brother, Tartarus and sister, Gaia and her many other brothers and sisters.

Anyway, Artemis created werewolves, Nyx created Vampires to put it simply.

The reason I know so much about this kinda history? I'm Greek.

Not half, not part, I'm fully Greek, I was born in Greece, I saw and lived through some of the Greek empire, I saw it fall, I saw Rome -the empire that made Greece fall- fall itself.

So the Greek culture is part of my heritage, I worship all the Gods, even Artemis.

Surprising, I like both Poseidon and Athena the best out if all Olympians.

I used to love visiting Athens as a child, I learnt all about Athens history, Poseidon and Athena's revelry and some other important aspects about the gods, when visiting.

When the Romans took over, I was pissed, when I learnt that they 'adapted and perfected' the Greek's way of life and the Gods.

How can you perfect something that's already perfect?

As you can probably tell, I have ADHD, I went from Science partners, to being pissed at Romans.


Oh look, the utter piece of crap is ringing again. Joy.

Just Incase you didn't catch that, it was indeed sarcasm. I love sarcasm. I don't know why, it's just awesome like that.


I went through the rest of my day, as peaceful as it could get at a school where I was the biggest nerd, the loser.

At lunch, I ate at my tree, at the back of the oval, and texted my friends.

And yes, I do actually have friends. They're Vampires as well.

Actually, on Saturday their coming for a visit, I was so excited.

I get to annoy the hell out of them!

Also, I haven't seen those lazy asses in like 3 years. Because they, unlike me, are not assassins, they're top guards in the Royal guard unit 1. Which is the top ranking unit.

Actually, they watch over my only best friend that's a girl, Blair, she's the

Vampire Princess. We grew up together.

Anyway, more on her and my friends later.

After lunch, I continued throughout the day, with not as many beatings, threats and getting sworn at.

As I left the school, I couldn't help but think something was going to happen soon, something big.

I smirked, if its what I think it is, all hell is going to break loose.


I know, lucky you guys, you get both a short and long chapter, IN THE SAME DAY!!!!!! IN THE SAME 6 or so HOURS!!!!!!!! How lucky are you?

That was random.

Want to know a fact? Random is Ran+Dumb put together.

Ok, so anyway, the reason why I updated twice, was because I REALLY want to get up to the part where there is more action! I've been thinking about all the ways I can let the Wolves know that Alex is a Vamp, and I'm gonna try REALLY hard to make it Epic!

Thanks for the votes!





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