Chapter 5

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*Keegan's Pov*

We were really confused.

We don't have any Vampire friends, well, as far as I know, we don't.

As soon as we reached the pack house, Chase ran towards his fathers' (and soon to be his) office, with Cole and I close behind.

I felt bad leaving Adrian and Ella alone after the battle. But then again, they are probably making out somewhere. Which is a little disturbing.

I mean, imagine two of your best friends (one being a guy, the other being a girl) eating at each others faces. Disgusting!

I hope I find my mate soon. I don't care what rank she is, what she looks like (no matter what, she is beautiful), how popular, ect. I will love her no matter what.

I pitied Chase, I mean, his mate was right in front of him, but he couldn't show any affection towards her, that has got to hurt.

I ran into the door.

That got my attention.

The other two chuckled at my misfortune.

I glared at them. Traitors.

"Come on, Keeg, before you run into the door again."

Cole snickered, while Chase was trying to hold in a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the office, the other two following my lead.

Chase's father wasn't in the room.

Chase cursed.

"There are papers on all of our alliances with other packs, right?" Cole said.

Chase's eyes lit up.

He nodded.

We set to work, looking through all the papers on all of our alliances, from the 1700's, when we moved here.

But at the end of the day, we found nothing about any vampire alliances.


*Alex's Pov*

I checked my phone, for what seemed like the millionth time.

I cursed, again.

Bloody idiots, always late.

My foot stated tapping the ground, out of habit.

Then I felt something different, something off.

"Hey" A voice I knew, very well said.

I groaned.

"Guys, why are you always so freakin late?" I asked, pissed off.

"I've been waiting for you morons to show up for a freakin hour!"

They looked at me sheepishly.

I had asked the guys for help.

Not that I couldn't do this mission by myself, I just hadn't seen the guys for a long time, with them being apart of the royal guard and all. Also, I wanted to mess with Chase's head. Imagine the look on his face, when he sees who I hang with.

See, my friends are a little different. Naturally, we are all hot, it's one of the things Vampires have in common with Werewolves, we have stunning beauty, mortals can't help but be attracted to us. If we show them our beauty, that is.

All Vamps are naturally pale, being created by Nyx and all. We all have black eyes as well.

So, let me introduce my friends.

Parker is the same age as me, pale skin, black eyes, short blonde hair, he was 6'2 and had an eight pack, like most Vamps. He had a dark, brooding attitude, with anyone who wasn't a friend. We had trained together, when we were younger (like, a millennium old, the normal age to start training).

Asher, has been one of my best friends since we were small and oblivious to the world. Our parents were best friends, we used to do everything together, some people used to think we were twins, as he also has long, jet black eyes and hair. Add an eight pack and defined features, he was hot. All the girls chase after him, he's not a player, but he's not exactly innocent.

Samson, a dark haired brunette, six years younger then the rest of us, he also has an eight pack, pale skin and black eyes. He was the quiet one in our group. He also completed his training with us.

Blake was the oldest one in the group, by three years. We all completed training together. Blakey had curly light brown hair, streaked with natural blonde highlights. He had the usual Black eyes, eight pack and pale skin. He was the mature one, but when he's in the mood (that only we could put him in), he can be one of the most childish Vamps ever.

Together, we were some of the most feared Vampires on earth. We had mercilessly killed many beings, supernatural or not. We were more then best friends, more then family even. We knew each other better then we knew ourselves, we could predict every move we would make in a fight.

"Sorry Lex" They said in unison.

Only they could call me 'Lex', if anyone else did it, they would find themselves with a few broken ribs, broken arms and/or legs, also, they would have to go to a mental hospital for a year or two.

I rolled my eyes at them, but couldn't keep the smile off my face at seeing them again.

I sighed.

"I missed you guys" I said.

They smiled.

"We did too, Lex, I mean, who was supposed to play pranks with me on everyone while you aren't around? Who was supposed to look all serious and intimidating with us when people walked past, just so we could laugh about it later?" Asher asked.

I ran towards them.

We ended up having a group hug, after a few failed attempts, awkward positions and lots of swearing.

I led them into the house.

"So, tell us why we're here" Blake said.


Hey guys! this any better? Like longer and better quality?

One of my brothers friends, saw me writing this chapter, and wanted to look at it. So, she read it and actually liked it!! Anyway, I was wondering how you guys felt about it? Do you like it?

Thanks for all the reviews and votes!!! :)

Also, it's currently the first day of my six week holidays!!! more chapters soon!





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