Chapter 6

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*Alex's Pov*

I screamed.

That thing jumped on top of me, laughed.

I opened my eyes.

I was in my room, trying to sleep.

But stupid Asher, just had to come into my room and jump on my bed.

He was laughing so hard, that tears were threatening to fall out of his eyes.

So, I did the only thing, anyone would do.

I pushed him off the bed and jumped on top of him, making sure to put extra weight on where I landed, which happened to be his stomach.

He gasped.

I laughed a bit, as he pushed me off him.

"Hey Ash, why'd you wake me up at this ungodly hour?" I asked him.

"School" he said.

"Aww Ashy, I thought you were my twin? How could you do this to me?" I whined.

He laughed.

Asher and I, acted so much like twins, that we decided we'd become twins in all but blood.

He stood up, then he offered his hand to help me up. I took it.

He shock his head.

"The guys want to see the nerdy side of you, get dressed and I'll get Parker to make pancakes for you" He said.

I raced towards my walk-in-closet, getting out my long sleeved, baggy clothes.

Hey, I had tattoos all over my body.

Whoever said I wasn't badass?

All the while, Asher was laughing at me.

Parker made literally the best pancakes ever! I've been all over the world, trying to find the best pancakes, yet, nothing beats Parker's.

It's annoying.

Cuz, when he wants to annoy me or get payback, he says 'no pancakes', so unfair. The little bastard.

Anyway, I ran out of my room, after getting dressed.

I jumped down the stairs, two at a time.

I ran into the kitchen, where everyone was.

"Where's the food" I yelled, wide eye.

The guys laughed at me.

Samson passed me a plate with 4 delicious, fluffy pancakes.

I wolfed them down.

Which was weird, considering I hate wolves.

Blake raised an eyebrow.

"Anyone could mistake you for a wolf" He said.

I glared at him, disgusted.

"Why would I want to be a mutt?" I spat out, still enjoying my pancakes.

"Good point" Asher said, eating his pancakes.

I looked at the time and cursed.

I sighed.

"I gotta go guys, see ya" I said.

"See ya" Blake said.

"Bye" Samson put in.

"Don't die" Parker said.

I punched him for that.

"Miss ya, twin" Asher said.

I smiled at them, before grabbing my book bag and leaving.

I got to school late.

My usual time is half an hour before anyone else.

Today, I was forty-five minutes late.

I cursed as Chase's group stared at me.

Welcome to Hell.

*Chase's Pov*

We all stared at her, she was late. Really late.

We didn't know what time she usually got there, but it was early.

I found myself wondering why she was late. Had something happened to her? To the ones she loved?

I shook my head, at those thoughts.

She walked past, quietly, so that nobody else noticed her.

I had decided last night, that I wanted to change my image for her.

You know, not beat her up, not let her see me as a bully, but as her friend, maybe more.

I knew that it would take a lot of work.

I mean, she probably hates me.

Which broke my heart.

It wasn't just the fact that she was my mate.

She was everything I wanted in a girl, ok, so maybe not everything, but she's close enough.

She was smart, beautiful and kind (I'm guessing).

My dream girl though, is all those things, and maybe, just a tad badass. Maybe some tats.

Ok, getting off topic now.

She had a look of surprise on her face, when we didn't do anything to her.

My heart broke a little more.

Were we really that bad?

My wolf whimpered at the though of his mate being hurt.

He loved her just as much as me, maybe more.

She turned back around and quietly ran into the school building, to who knows where.

I looked at my friends.

"Are we really that bad?" I asked them.

They looked ashamed.

I forgot that she was their Luna as well as my mate.

"We're going to make it up to her" Keegan said.

Ellie nodded.

"And maybe I'll get a new friend out of it" She said, smiling.

We all had to smile at her enthusiasm.

She could always cheer us up.


Cole cursed.

"Damn, I have Science first. I hate science" he said.

I let out a watery smile and shook my head at his antics.

"Come on, I don't want detention for being late to Math" I said.

"See ya later guys" I said.

There was a chorus of 'byes'.

I grabbed my books and headed towards my math class, determined to think of a way to get Alex back.

I would succeed.

I had to.


Hey guys.

Guess what?


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I finally found an ok ish cover as well!

Thanks a lot guys,





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