It's You!

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Walking to school, Serenity had been distracted by her thoughts. 'We meet tonight. Endymion Chiba.... Who are you?' Her thoughts consumed her.

She kept walking and went to cross the street. She didn't know that the light was green and a car was coming her way.

The driver, obvioulsy, was hungover from a night of very heavy drinking.

"LOOK OUT!" She heard. She looked around and saw the car coming. She froze in fear. Her friends, or maids that are her friends, came running. They weren't close enough to make it though.

Serenity closed her eyes and waited for impact.

It didn't come from the front, but from the side and she felt a lot of weight upon her smaller body.

"Hey, are you alright?" She heard a male voice ask. She opened one eye and saw a male with blue eyes and black hair. He wore a black turtle neck with a green jacket over it and jeans and was above her. He looked to be about twenty. Her face grew red.

He stood up and helped her to her feet. She looked up at him.

"T-Thanks...." She said. He nodded and chuckled upon seeing her reddened face. She giggled along with him, the blush going away.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked. She nodded, smiling. "That's good." He said.

She looked around him and saw the car was stopped. "Oh my...." She had felt her heart speed up at the sudden realization of what could have happened.

"Might I ask your name?" She asked looking back at him.

"It's Mamoru." He said giving her a thumbs up. She smiled back saying, "Usagi!"

"Nice to meet you... Usagi. Bunhead." He teased. She blushed then looked away. "Okay, bye." Mamoru said. Usagi looked back, then headed to school.

Usagi walked sleepily towards her locker, the earlier adrenaline having died down. She opened it, grabbed her stuff, then left to homeroom.

Her maids made sure that their schedule is the exact same as hers. They almost got that, but they only share four classes together, much to their dismay. Luckily, they all ended up in homeroom first.

Usagi could barely focus. She was daydreaming about that guy who saved her. "Mamoru...." She mumbled in a lovey-dovey tone, thinkingback to the handsome man from earlier.

"Usagi!" The English teacher snapped her fingers in front of her. "A-ah! Y-yes, Miss Haruna?" She asked quickly, blush growing on her face.

"Stay focused please." Miss Haruna said before turning around and going back to teaching. "Geez..." Usagi mumbled lowly.

Eventually, they were on their way to lunch. Usagi and her friends were a noisy group of girls, but that's normal.

"Hey Usagi, is everything okay? You seem kinda out of it since that incident." Makoto asked her. Usagi immediately blushed intensely. "It's nothing to worry about! I'm perfectly fine!" She spoke quickly. The girls, except Ami of course, all smirk.

"Oh. I think I know." Minako teased. Usagi gave a confused look. "It's that guy that saved you who's on your mind, isn't it Princess?!" Minako practically shouted. Usagi's face was as red as a tomato.

"N-No! I just have a lot on my mind as of recently! You know cause of the... that thing!" Usagi meant about her whole arranged marriage thing, but didn't want the nearby high school kids knowing. She was only eighteen.

"Sure it isn't." Rei said. Glaring at them all, she sits down at one of the tables. "It's going to be a long day..." Usagi thought to herself.

-Later at a very fancy restaurant-

Serenity wore a beautiful dress with what looked like colors of the night and of the moon with her long hair that was loose from the two buns that were usually on her head.. She had been blindfolded by her father's servant. "Um... Father...?" She quietly asked. "What is it?" He asked, somewhat annoyed. "W-Was the blindfold really necessary?" She asked worriedly, picking up the annoyance of his tone. She the felt something hit her on the side of her face. He had slapped her.

"Don't ask stupid questions!" He growled. She could feel the tears in her eyes and the big lump in her throat. She wanted to cry, but couldn't. She touched where she felt the smack. It stung badly and she thought her cheek must've been very red.

"Don't cry now! They're just over there." He said in a low, threatening voice. She gulped and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. "Please hope he isn't like my father...." Serenity thought.

"So sorry we're late!" She heard a female voice say. "Don't worry about it Ms. Beryl. I suppose it was the blindfold that threw your son off." Her father joked.

"Mother? I'm still confused a bit." She heard a familiar voice.

"Don't worry about it Endymion! Here, sit." Ms.Beryl said. I heard chairs being moved.

"Now for the reveal..." I heard my father say. I began to tremble and shake uncontrollably. "Three... two... one... Off go the blindfolds!" Then my blindfold was lifted off over my eyes and my eyes took a while to re-adjust to the bright lights. Then I saw him.

"Mamo... Mamoru?!"


I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I know I enjoyed writing it. Vote, comment, share with your friends. More on the way!

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