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It was a voice. That's it. But it wouldn't go away.

Usagi hardly got any sleep since something was there, in the back of her mind.

"This will all be too good to be true."


"You'll just wake up back at home... trapped by father."

How much she hated these doubts. It all really does seem to good to be true. Mamoru was a wonderful person who grew up under the care and love of his father minus... the witch being there, but he really was like a dream.

As happy as she would be to marry a sweet man such as he, everything else still terrified her. She wasn't sure if he actually cared, despite the one day they came into the house and he patched up her cut. That just showed his kind side, but surely... he has faults?

"This is so confusing..." Usgai mumbled to herself.

"What is, Serenity?" Ami asked, looking over to the girl.

"Oh nothing Ami... Just thinking to myself..." This was enough for the blue haired girl to accept as she continued adjusting Serenity's dress.

"Well, you look very beautiful, princess. It's quite a simple, but extravagant dress." Ami stood back and admired the girl.

"It is pretty, but..." Serenity sighed.

Ami took her friend's hands.

"I know, Sere. Not the wedding you would have wanted, but your father is all about business... I'm sorry there was nothing we could do." She comforted the blonde as best she could.

"Thanks Ami... I'll be sure to make the best of it... Endymion is a wonderful person..." Serenity's earlier thoughts of inadequacy came back to her.

Once Ami left her alone, she spent the time sitting by the window and thinking.

If her mother was still alive, would she have stopped this? Would Serenity have grown up with her father's love as well?

She always wanted to see a photo of her mother, but her father always refused to show her. She was left to wonder what her mother looked like, but according to a majority of the staff that worked for the family, she'd heard from many a worker that she is nearly identical to her mother. It made her smile at the time, but thinking now... She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

A knock came at her door moments later.

"Yes...?" She asked and the door opened. It was her father. It had been only a few days, but the sense of dread she immediately felt rushed back in such a familiar speed.



"You look wonderful, dear." He complimented her, which she could see right through, but she was not to say anything for fear of what he'd do.


"You know you have to do this today, right?" His voice now stern, one she'd grown accustomed to over the years.

"I am aware... yes." She looked away from him.

"Don't try and run either. You'll only make it worse for yourself and Endymion."

She froze. "... You would... hurt Endymion if I were to run...?"

"If that becomes the case, yes. Just do what needs to be done. It's almost time, so just stay here. I'll know if you've moved." His cold tone rang in her head as he left.

She wanted to cry. No, she needed to. Yet, her father would just get angry again if she did.


Endymion paced his room in annoyance. Kunzite just watched the man go about this for maybe ten to twenty minutes.

"Endymion, what's wrong?" He asked, afraid of the answer.

"This whole thing... If only we could cancel it..." The man replied.

"Is she that bad?" Kunzite asked, a little concerned.

Endymion looked at Kunzite with a near horrified expression.

"No of course not...! I just hate the whole situation they've pushed us into. All for the money, from what I know of the witch and judging by her father's own behaviors..." He crossed his arms.

"They're treating us more like objects rather than actual people with emotions. Not that they'd have any experience with those."

"From what I have observed out there," Kunzite motioned to the room outside in which Endymion and Serenity were to be wed. "They are really pushing this for personal agendas and from what Serenity's maids have said... things were not... pleasant... for Serenity her whole life."

"Yes.. after the night we had to live together, I got the sense, but wasn't sure of the extent of it." Endymion looked out at the clear blue sky.

"I'm not sure of the level you're thinking of, but maybe it's best you hear the extent from her."

"That makes me worried."

A knock at the door.

"It's unlocked." Endymion answered.

Beryl entered, a smug grin on her face.

"You look quite handsome, Endymion. I do hope you don't ruin things." She had a sickly sweet tone that made him and Kunzite cringe.

"Oh please... Like you could do anything." He rolled his eyes. Her widening smirk made his confidence shake.

"I'd be careful if I were you. It's not as if Serenity's life may be on the line." She spoke nonchalantly as she looked at her nails.

Endymions eyes narrowed.

"That's low, but not unexpected from you." His venomous tone not a surprise for her either.

"Just making sure you don't ruin things for me here. See you soon, dear." She smiled and walked out.

"Ruin it for her, huh?" Kunzite asked bluntly.

"She may have married my father, but the rights to his company don't go to her." Endymion turned back to  the window, a more sour expression on his face.

"Oh yeah. Your father believed had his contract based on only the males inheriting everything. Though, it'll be up to you if you change it." Kunzite commented and Endymion nodded.

"Once the witch and her father are out of the picture, I just might change things depending on the circumstances. Thought that just might be years from now, yet I don't care as to how long it will take. As long as both Serenity and I can get out safely..."

Another knock to the now open door. Both men saw Minako there with a solemn look on her face.

"It's about to begin. We'd better get to our places."

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