A Wedding to Forget?

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(Quick notice: I know nothing of weddings in japan, so just bear with me here)

Serenity had always dreamt of her wedding.

When she was just a girl and all she could hope for was a prince in shining armor to sweep her off of her feet and pray that they take her away from her father. Far enough to the point where he could not hurt her in any way. They'd get married with her in a beautiful dress and a small party just with their friends.

Although, she could never have predicted if she would ever get that. Many would stay away due to the power that her father possessed with his wealth, so she always knew that she could never have a happy ending like the princesses in the movies she'd watched as a little girl.

As she stepped into the grand hall with her father beside her, she could only feel a sense of dread and was glad that for now, she had a veil to cover her face. However, she did look on and admire the sight of Endymion that was in front of her as he could wear a suit very well. She looked to her friends who stood up there, saving face by looking happy, but she knew that they were just as upset as she was about the situation.

He had been in a daze before he heard the music kick in and watched as Serenity and her father made their way towards the alter, a veil over her face. Endymion was not sure what she could have been expressing with her face beneath it, but it was a good thing, as he was only partially worried as to what her face would say.

She soon reached the front, her father taking her hand and letting Endymion take it, signaling that he was giving her away. That was one thing she could be happy about in all of this. Thanks to her father being old-fashioned, she'd be seen as Endymion's, and no longer the property of her father in his eyes.

His eyes watched as she got closer, and his thoughts only filled with absolute distaste for her father. If anything, he was glad to be the one to take her away from him, even if it were to no longer be permanent, he still plans to do all that he can to keep Serenity out of her father's hands. He gladly took her hand and led her up, a side of him wanting to smirk, as if this were a small victory for Serenity's sake.

Endymion had moved her veil and she offered him a smile, as she did appreciate him the most out of this situation. No doubt that he might be thinking the same thing about her.

She and Endymion stood at the alter, listening for their cues, and her gaze was on Endymion, but she wasn't really paying much attention.

The man opposite her could only focus on getting out

The ceremony seemed to drone on for quite a while, but soon they got to the vows and put the rings on each other's fingers.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The line played through her mind, and she would be lying if she said it didn't make her a little giddy. As for sealing the deal with Endymion, it was surprisingly not bad. If anything, she liked it, but it was only for a single moment, before they had to separate in order to head out to head to the reception.

Although, she was sure she could see her father look mad for a split second, but she was unsure as to why.

As Endymion passed with Serenity, he made sure to shoot a smug look at her father for a quick moment, implying something to him, and the message crossed to him very clearly.

They had to make their way to a fancy hall decorated in honor of the big day, as Serenity's father loved to flaunt his wealth and throwing a mass extravagant party in honor of his daughter's marriage was nothing new to expect. She looked around as she and Endymion entered the large room, strangers in every part of her vision. These people were all friends of her father and of Beryl. Both her and Endymion had no idea who most of these people were, but both knew how to keep up appearances in crowds of this caliber.

"Look, dear... The couple at the center of this whole fiasco are here..." A woman with a voice gently hitting ears like an ocean spoke as she watched the two enter. The much taller woman at her side looked as well. The wo watched as they made their way through the crowd of businessmen and women, some calling out with happy blessings or sad cries of jealousy. They had no opinion on the two other than pity as they understood the circumstances that surrounded the two.

"Let's greet them soon."

At the main table, later in the evening, the two sat with their friends on their sides of the table, the groups making sure to keep the parents far away from the bride and groom.

When they started with the speeches, Serenity appreciated Minako, the one designated as her maid of honor, giving a fun speech that gained plenty of laughs from the crowd. She wanted a serious one to wait for when she really got married. Kunzite gave one as the assigned best man of the groom, and gave a speech full of jokes as well to show how seriously no one at that table was taking this wedding to piss of Serenity's father and Beryl. It did so very pleasingly.

The night went on without much incident. Endymion and Serenity were sure to interact with many guests from the table when they got up. Even when at the table, they held hands as a form of reassurance from the other, which helped any anxieties they both might have had at the time.

It was a long night, however. They only really looked forward to getting to bed as soon as it started getting dark out.

Deciding that they'd had enough of all these people for one day, they made their exit, saying goodbye of course, and leaving everything to be handled by the ones who arranged this event.

The way home had nothing but an air of a silent understanding between the two. Nothing other than a bond of trust having formed throughout the past few days, and even though they were married, they were not fully ready to be open to the labels that were dubbed upon them on this day, but if they were to work together to get out of this, they'd just have to play along for the others' sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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