Day One

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The alarm went off. Usagi's eyes opened slowly. She looked up and saw Mamoru's face close to hers. She blushed immensely. She then noticed that her left arm was around him.

Eventually, Mamoru began to wake up. He looked at her sleepily. Usagi stayed still, somewhat scared. She felt a weight on her waist lift off of her, realizing that it was his right arm.

His hand rubbed his eyes. He blinked for a moment. Then his eyes widened and blush grew upon his face as well. They both had their arms retract back to their own bodies.

"So... Sorry!" Usagi stuttered nervously. "It's alright." He said. He reached over to his nightstand and shut the annoying alarm off.

Usagi went and changed into her school uniform, and Mamoru changed into his. Usagi went down to the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon as a quick breakfast, knowing that they had little time before they had to leave to school.

Mamoru walked into the kitchen moments later. "Oh, thanks for the breakfast..." He said as she placed a plate down for him. She nodded and fetched her own plate of food.

It was silent as they ate, and awkward to say the least. They both avoided eye contact for a few moments. Then Mamoru broke the silence.

"What high school do you go to?" He asked out of random. "Juban District High School." She said plainly. "What college do you go to?"

"Azabu Institute of Technology." He replied with.

"I heard that college was for really smart people..." She said with amazement. He nodded.

"It's not easy to get into, to be honest. It was really worth it though." He said.

More silence.

"You actually cooked this really well." He then said after he was done eating. She blushed a bit. "T-Thank you... but, the truth is, I never usually get it right... I always mess up, one way or another..." She said embarrassed. He placed his hands over hers.

"Well... You did great this time. I know that's for sure." He said, causing Usagi to blush more.

After the finished with their food and placed it in the sink for Serenity to put away later (sorry), they both headed off to their seperate schools.

"Maybe I should work harder to be a good future wife..... Oh no, I'm thinking way too far into this...." She shook her head and continued her run to school.

As she got there, she was greeted by her friends. "Hey Usagi. How are things?" Minako asked. Usagi just stared at her with a 'you're joking, right?' face.

"So... is he cute?!" Makoto asked.

"Huh? Oh, you mean Endymion? Well.... I-I guess you could say that..." She blushed. The girls, minus Ami, squealed. "Please calm down..." Usagi waved her hand.

They all walked into the school building and began their day. It was normal, for the most part. Usagi took a lot of tests, much to her dismay. The others had other classes and electives.

"Why am I stuck with all kinds of tests?" Usagi asked herself. She was the last one to leave out of the gates of school, and it was late. The sun looked as if it were about to go down. Sighing, Usagi began the walk to her home.

She walked through the neighboor hood of where Endymion and her house was, then was yanked by the back of her shirt. This took her by surprise. She turned around and saw a tall man towering over her with two other men behind him.

(Cliché, I know.)

"Hey there girly." He said. Usagi just stared at him, eyes widened with fear.

"May... may I help you?" She asked. She knew that they looked like trouble and was ready to scream if necessary.

"Yeah... Just follow us..." He said as his face got closer to hers. She backed away. Who would want their first kiss ruined by perverts?

"I cannot. So sorry, but I must leave." She said trying to leave. He grabbed her viciously by her arm.

"Excuse me, but I cannot take no for an answer." He said, his lackies chuckling. Usagi then began to scream at the top her lungs.

"Shut her up!" One of them shouted over her. One of them went to go and cover her mouth. She kept dodging him and screaming bloody murder. Eventually, she escaped his grasp and ran, still screaming. She then ran into someone, and she felt them wrap their arms around her.

"Excuse me sir, but why are you terrorizing her?" That familiar voice. She looked up.

"En--- Mamoru!" Usagi said with shock. He smiled down at her then looked at them again. His height and strong build exceeded the man's, so he looked pretty intimidating.

"So? What's it to you?" The man asked. Mamoru just chuckled.

"Well seeing as she is my Fiancé, I don't want any harm to come to her." He said. Usagi blushed as she burried her face into his shirt.

The man backed away, as well as the other two. Mamoru may not have looked it, but in his eyes, you could see he was angry and was ready to start fighting. They all eventually made a run for it.

"Are you alright? Is your arm okay?" Usagi heard. She slowly nodded. She was then lifted up off of her feet.

"Hm... We'd better check." He said. Usagi could feel the warmth on her face as he carried her back to their house. He gently placed her on the couch. "Raise your sleeve a bit..." He said sitting next to her. She blushed as she raised her left sleeve to reveal a purple, bluish bruise. "You must have very sensitive skin..." He said.

"Well... I was told that when I was young because I'd accidentally hurt myself due to my clumsy nature. Even the smallest thing, like hitting my elbow on a wall or something..." Usagi said. He nodded.

"Just give it a few days, it'll be gone soon." He said then kissed her forehead. She blushed more. "I made dinner while waiting. Why were you coming back late, by the way?" He asked. Before she could answer, he interrupted her. "Wait, let me guess. Tests. Am I right?" He asked, looking annoyed.

"Y-yeah! How did you know?" She asked.

"Same thing happened to me. Tests for next week. This isn't a coincidence. It seems like your dad and my step mother have something planned." He said looking out the window. Usagi nodded.

It was only Thursday, and they were getting married on Saturday. Then it clicked in her head and her face went completely red. "I-I think I know..." She said.

He looked back at her, trying not to chuckle at how adorable she was since her face was a deep red. "Mind telling me?" He said, holding back his laughter.

"They're planning a honeymoon trip..." She said, her blush dying down.

"Oh. Well I guess that would be normal...?" He pondered over it for a while.


Usagi had changed into her pink pajamas and jumped into bed, hugging the pillow. "Ah, sleep! I've been waiting all day!" She said happily. Mamoru smiled.

She was then asleep. "Good night, Serenity." He said then kissed her. She didn't wake up, but she did smile.

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