The Dirt

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How to Break a Mask

Author: Kinomi Akai

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, there would have been so many crackfic episodes that no one would know what was canon anymore.

Summary: An incident at the festival on Oct. 10th reveals that there is a lot that everyone doesn't know about Naruto. Smart!Naruto, Sasunaru/Narusasu, Rated M to be safe

Pairings: Sasunaru/Narusasu, mentions of KakaIru, as of now.

Warnings: Shonen-ai, yaoi, boy x boy, whatever to want to call it. Sakura "bashing" in earlier chapters.

Author's Note:

"Blah" - talking

'blah' - thinking

'blah' - Kyuubi talking

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Last time:

Pakkun suddenly looked up, staring straight ahead from where he was crouching.

"This way." And he dashed.

There was no hesitation before Sasuke followed.

*** *** ***

Chapter 6: The Dirt

There was a point where Pakkun began speeding up significantly. As if guessing Sasuke's silent question, the pug spoke:

"The smell is stronger. He smells of fear, and blood."

Sasuke's heart thrust itself against his chest significantly quicker at those words, and he began to sprint. He could no longer be patient enough to follow Pakkun.

He picked the dog up as he passed, and spoke firmly;

"Tell me where to go,"

Pakkun's face was surprised at first, before his face hardened into a determined expression.

"Keep going straight."

Sasuke said nothing to this, simply upping his speed. He vaguely realized that he was no longer in the main town; there were no stands, no festivities going on in this area. It was eerily silent, he suddenly realized, and the thought made him nervous.

"Right," Pakkun spoke, and Sasuke turned the corner. He saw a few people in the distance, but no one other than them.

"He's where those villagers are," Pakkun said, and Sasuke pushed himself to the limits of his speed, dark grey eyes being replaced by the red of his Sharingan.

*** *** ***

Naruto was thrust back into consciousness, gasping for air. His nose was healed, shoulder back in place, but blood still covered his face, mixed with dirt and sweat. For each injury that had been healed, there were new ones; he didn't know how many ribs had been broken, he only knew the searing pain across his chest. His entire body felt black and bruised. Kyuubi had stopped speaking to him long ago in order to turn her attention to making sure Naruto would survive.

Naruto yelped as he was grabbed by the hair and pulled up onto his feet. His hands gripped and scratched at the one causing him pain, it felt like the skin was being slowly ripped off of his scalp, but he was quickly restrained. He felts his fingers being pulled backwards: they were taking his ability to fight limb by limb. With a painful pop, he felt his right index finger throb in pain. He reflexively went in on himself as a knee thrust into his stomach, hitting his already broken ribs. He heaved and coughed, his vision blacking in and out, his body was shaking, eyes wide in an attempt to be able to see. His vision focused enough to see an object being held in front of him, and he went still.

It was a knife.

Kyuubi suddenly resurfaced. "Naruto, I don't give a fuck about anything else, I will take over if you don't get out of there NOW!"

Naruto writhed, convulsing and pulling away from his attacked. The adrenaline pumping through him seemed to numb his pain and clear his vision, but he didn't care. He was focused on escaping.

"Get away from me..." he groaned, before his voice rose with a new wave of strength. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screaming, ripping his body from side to side. He wanted their hands off of him, he wanted to escape, he needed to escape right now.

The blade pressed against his neck. The man hissed a threat, Naruto didn't hear it. But his body stilled. He wasn't stupid or suicidal enough to flail his body right into the knife. A hand still gripped his hair, wrenching his head backwards, straining his neck. The rest of them held his arms and feet down. His eyes widened as he was suddenly made aware of a fresh wave of pain coming from his foot; which had been bent in the wrong direction.

The man holding the knife smiled, until-

*** *** ***

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Sasuke heard the scream and ran faster than he had ever ran before. That was Naruto's voice.

He came to the group of villagers, older villagers, who looked at him with confused, and slightly fearful expressions. He pushed past them, he felt a few hands try to grab him and he violently jerked away from them into the dark alleyway. Pakkun growled threateningly at the women, smelling the guilt on them. Sasuke reached Naruto, and was greeting with the most sickening sight he had ever seen since he had found his family lying twisted and dead, with his smiling, thirteen year-old brother in the middle of it all.

Naruto, bloodied and distorted, was pressed against the grey, stone wall. His head was jerked backwards, face contorted with agony, mouth open in a silent scream. He was being held in place by clenched, angry hands. There was a man who held a knife against Naruto's throat, a man with a sickening smile until-

He was smashed to the ground with a snarled, "Get the FUCK away from him!"

The killer intent had them frozen in place, almost unable to breathe. Sharingan spinning, Sasuke ripped the knife from the now groaning man's shaking hand and turned to his companions, who were now mumbling and backing off in fear. Naruto sagged to the ground, mouth open with half-lidded, dazed eyes.

Pakkun had jumped from Sasuke's hold and sank his teeth into the arm of one of Naruto's holders, with no intention of letting go. The man screamed and waved his arm, which did nothing except made Pakkun's deep growl louder, and angrier.

Sasuke knocked two men out by throwing them into the wall with such force that they sank to the floor, unconscious. Men began trying to flee, and Pakkun let go of the man's arm in favour of making sure the men didn't escape. The women keeping watch had decided that attempting to help their companions would be the equivalent of a death wish, and had fled long ago, but Pakkun had memorized their faces, and smells. Despicable people.

Sasuke grabbed one man and slammed him into the other, causing them both to fall to the ground, dazed. Sasuke delivered a swift blow to the man who had originally held the knife, who was trying to stand, to render him unconscious.

It was not long before Sasuke had knocked the rest of them out, and stood above the bodies, red eyes glowing with fury.

Pakkun attempted to speak, but Sasuke cut him off. He whirled around and growled, "You tie them up and bring them to the Hokage before I slaughter them all."

Abandoning his usual guise that he was just a dog and could not do such things, Pakkun nodded. The black haired boy was truly terrifying when angry.

Sasuke turned back to the now seemingly unconscious blonde boy. Guilt washed over him in waves, but he threw it away, now was not the time for such things. He needed to figure out how to move Naruto without injuring him further.

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