The Couch

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How to Break a Mask

Author: Kinomi Akai

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, I would have enough money to go bribe my neighbours to stop screaming and blasting music because as much as I like writing about my otp I also need to SLEEP ONCE IN A WHILE UGH

Summary: An incident at the festival on Oct. 10th reveals that there is a lot that everyone doesn't know about Naruto. Smart!Naruto, Sasunaru/Narusasu, Rated M to be safe

Pairings: Sasunaru/Narusasu, mentions of KakaIru.

Warnings: Shonen-ai, yaoi, boy x boy, whatever to want to call it. AND IT'S LIME TIME BABY.

Author's Note: This is the second last chapter! The epilogue will go right after this. I hope you all enjoy!

"Blah" – talking

'blah' – thinking

'blah' – Kyuubi talking

***   ***   ***

Last time:

Sasuke put in hand on Naruto's shoulder in acquiescence, and Naruto turned to give him a soft smile. They worked to move Naruto in properly in comfortable silence until the sun went down.

***   ***   ***

Chapter 13: The Couch

Sasuke was the first to break the silence. "We should eat dinner."

Naruto nodded, but his eyes never left the pale boy's face. "Yeah."

Sasuke's cheeks were burning, but the moment hadn't been broken yet. He took a risk.

"Come on, dobe," he muttered into Naruto's ear, reveling in the tanned boy's responsive shudder. He let a hand rest on Naruto's broad shoulder before trailing it down his arm as he slipped by the muscular boy.

For a moment, their fingertips touched.

For a moment, Sasuke thought his blood had turned to fire.

But he left the room without another word, trusting Naruto to follow him. Had he waited a second longer, he might have felt the twitch in Naruto's hand as the tanned boy fought against the urge to grab Sasuke's hand like a lovesick fanboy.

'You should have made a move,' Kyuubi chided.

Naruto inwardly sighed, not in the mood to argue. 'Listen, kyu-chan. I know you want me to be happy, and you're just trying to build up my confidence to get what I want, but I really, really don't want to mess this up. If I spend the rest of my life with Sasuke as my best friend, I will be more than happy. I'm not going to push this. Besides, Sasuke's not even-'

'If you say he's not gay, I'm going to start screaming and I will not stop.'

Rolling his eyes, Naruto decided to ignore the fox for now. He followed the route that Sasuke had taken to get to the kitchen, letting his thoughts focus on a much more important topic: food.

"Do you want me to help?" Naruto asked, wondering what else he could do while the raven was busy.

Said Uchiha smirked. "Can I trust you not to burn down my house?"

"Teme!" Naruto growled. "I'm not completely incompetent, you know."

"Prove it, then, dobe."

The teasing, challenging atmosphere was comforting. Naruto easily met the smirking boy's eyes.

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