Chapter Two: Enfin Sorti du Château

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Finally Out of the Castle

“Will you hurry up, Gasquet?! The concert starts in an hour!”

 I ran through the house, following my step-sister’s voice. Maryse had drove Astrid and I to Montpellier that morning and then she had went off shopping with Roselina’s mom, Sophie. That was one of the few times that I had rode in her car. I ride my bike or walk everywhere. Leaving Rodez for the first time was bittersweet; I watched it fade in the distance until I could see it no longer.

Montpellier is so beautiful and big! Even if the concert is bad, I will still have had a fun time!

I walked into the bedroom where Astrid and Roselina were standing, getting ready.

“Oui, Astrid?”

She whipped around. “Finally! I need you to bring me my outfit.”

I nodded and left, searching for outfit. I found the bag and brought it back to her. Roselina was already dressed. Her shirt said “Allstar Weekend.”

I asked, “Is Allstar Weekend the band?”

Roselina nodded and gushed, “Yes! Their are four members: Cameron, Nathan, Michael, and Zach. They are from America…Cameron is the cutest.” She giggled.

Astrid disagreed, “No, Zachary is the cutest!” She turned on me, “Which is why you will stay away from him, Gasquet! You will only embarrass yourself. I mean, look at your clothes!!…Pathetic.”

I frowned, my clothes weren’t that bad. I wore a knee-length, blue skirt, a white blouse, and white mary janes. My hair was pinned back with a baratte.

“Why are you still standing there? Go wait in the hallway.” Astrid ordered.

I nodded and left. I thought about what they said. Zach must be cuter; Roselina fancies some ugly boys. I wonder what this boy looked like. I closed my eyes and pictured him with hazel eyes and light brown hair. He was smiling as he wrote the notes for a new song. His fingers skimmed over the piano keys as he brought in harmony. He brushed his hair out of his eyes, my name forming on his pink lips. Mira…Mira…


I jumped at Astrid’s voice and sighed. Why did I just fantasize about a boy I don’t even know? Pathetic. I followed them out, not having time to glance at her shirt. Sophie drove us; I awing at the passing scenery.

Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to a building, girls screaming and police everywhere. We walked in, showing our tickets to workers. Oh my! There were so many people! I took my seat in 2D next to Astrid, looking around. I sighed, contently, hearing everyone speak in French. For some reason, it was comforting.

The lights turned off and a boy hummed. It was angelic! Everyone screamed, standing up. I followed suit, concentrating on the beautiful voice. Is it Michael? Or Nathan? Zach or Cameron? I had no idea. All I knew was that his voice hyptonized me. Smoke appeared and someone started playing the guitar. The spotlight hit the person.

Screams erupted again and Roselina shrieked, “Nathan!!!”

Nathan was Black and had dreadlocks. The beautiful voice did not belong to him. Drums and a bass began to play with Nathan. The boy still hummed. Two more spotlights appeared.

Roselina gasped, “Cameron!!”

I asked, “Which one is he?”

She replied, pointing, “The bass player. He’s part Mexican. The drummer is Michael, he’s Filipino.”

The beautiful voice ooohed.

“I’ve come down with love…”

The spotlight appeared. My heart stopped. I felt my jaw drop. He was handsome. Flippy, brown hair, hazel eyes, blinding smile. His beauty radiated. I felt a tingling in my core. It was him……..The angelic voice……..Zachary.

A smile lit my face as he sung. I could barely hear everyone screaming. He walked to the edge of the stage and glanced in my direction. All other noise blacked out. I smiled wider, liking to think he was looking at me. Then, he turned around and I frowned. I didn’t want him to leave. Instinctively, I reached my hand out to call him back. I looked at the floor, tears welling in my eyes as the song ended.

To my left, Astrid hissed, “Put your hand down! Cameron is looking!”

I ignored her as Zach screamed into the microphone, “WE ARE ALLSTAR WEEKEND!! Hey, Cameron, didn’t you take French in school? Should we test it out?”

Cameron responded, “I think we should, man.”

The crowd screamed in agreement. Cameron laughed and said, “Je m’appelle Cameron Quiseng! Bonjour, France!”

Michael smiled, saying, “Moi, Je m’appelle, Michael Martinez!”

“Je m’appelle Nathan Darmody!”

They all turned to Zach and I looked down again, my hand still in the air.

“Salut, Montpellier! Je m’appelle Zachary Porter! Comment ça va?”

He paused and everyone screamed, “Bon!” or “Très bien!” back.

Feeling pressure on my outstreched hand, I looked up. The ice cold glare of Astrid stared.

She snapped, “What did I tell you, Gasquet?! PUT YOUR HAND DOWN!!”

Noticing the curious stares of people around us, I just nodded. She continued, “Roselina and I are thirsty. Go get us waters.”

I nodded again as it turned silent in the arena. She pressed money in my hand and pushed me out of the row. I tripped, landing on the stone floor. Everyone within a 5ft radius laughed; Astrid the loudest. I slowly stood up, brushing tears from my eyes. I walked away, determined not to look back at Astrid. If I had, I would have noticed the stare of curious hazel eyes.

The line for waters wasn’t that long; everyone didn’t want to miss Allstar Weekend. I walked back to my seat, carrying their waters. I handed them the waters.

Roselina sniggered. “Cameron and Zach saw you trip.”

I ignored her and sat down in my seat, my happy mood fading quickly. I stared at my lap as Zach sang. Coming was a mistake; I should have stayed in my Rodez.

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