Chapter Four: Le Chevalier de la Quête et Expulsé

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The Knight's Quest and Kicked Out


She whispered, “Au revior, Zachary.” And ran off.

Her beautiful grey eyes with lilac and blue filled with tears. Her curly, brown hair fell out of her barret. I didn’t care that she wore the oldest pair of Mary Janes, she was gorgeous.

I ran after her, ignoring Cameron calling after me. Why is this girl making me feel like this? Like I would run across a continent to find her. I caught sight of her as she jumped into a car.

I growled and cursed, hitting the side of the building. She was gone. Juliette.

I shook my head, trying to ignore the hollow feeling in my stomach and noticed something glittering on the pavement. I bent down and picked it up. It was a silver bracelet, with a sentence carved in it.

“Juliette, tu es ma lumière, ma joie. Je t’aime, mon ange. Papa.”

My breath caught in my throat. This is Juliette’s bracelet! It is a message to her from her father. I ran back inside to the dressing room.

I banged the door open and the guys looked up, shocked. I walked across the room, smiling. I showed them the bracelet.

Nathan frowned and asked, “You are smiling, because you have a bracelet?”

I sat down. “It’s not just any bracelet. This is Juliette’s.”

“Who?” They all asked, in unison.

I sighed and repeated. “Juliette. That gorgeous girl that we just met-”

Cameron interrupted, smirking, “Gorgeous? Why, lads, it looks like our Zachie has crushie!!”

Nathan and Michael chuckled. I hit Cameron with a pillow. “This is serious, Cam! I HAVE to find her!”

Michael frowned, “What? Do you plan on knocking on every door in France, asking if Juliette lives here?”

The boys bursted out laughing at the absurdity of it. I sat there, never have been more serious in my entire 20 years of life. After 5 minutes, they realized I wasn’t laughing. It turned silent.

Cameron’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God, he’s serious!”

Nathan shut Cam’s jaw, before turning to me. “Zach, I’ve known you since we were in diapers. I’ve never seen you act like this before….You really like this girl?”

A smile tugged the corners of my lips. “I might love her, Nathan.”

Michael looked at the bracelet and asked, “I thought her name was Juliette?”

We all turned to him. Cameron rolled his eyes. “That’s what Mr. Love Sick said.”

Michael showed us the bracelet. “Well, according to this, her name is Mira Juliette.”

Sure enough, it was carved in the bracelet. I looked up at Cameron, asking, “Can you translate it?”

He sighed, but nodded, taking the bracelet. “Um, Mira Juliette, you are my light, my joy. I love you, my angel. Papa.”

The room turned silent as we drank in the words. Her father obviously loves her very much.

“Poor Mira.” Michael sighed.

Cameron frowned. “Why do you say that? Her dad would give everything for her.”

Michael replied, “Do you remember what that girl who came with her said? ‘She lives with me and my mother.’……..Mira’s father is dead.”

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