Chapter Three: Réunion du Chevalier

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Meeting the Knight

“Thank you, Montpellier!! You all are awesome!!!” Zach screamed as the concert ended.

The boys ran off the stage and the fans slowly filed out. We stayed in our seats, waiting for the boys to change. We had VIP passes to meet the band backstage. A few minutes later, a worker called everyone with passes back. A total a 10 girls went back and formed a line, ready to meet Allstar Weekend, us at the rear.

Every once in a while, Zach’s laugh would fill the room. Every time, I would grin.

Twenty minutes later, it was our turn.

Astrid whispered, “Stay back and don’t talk!”

I stood a few feet back as Astrid and Roselina met the boys.

Cameron smiled, “Hello! What our your names?”

They giggled and responded, “Astrid Bonnet” and “Roselina Bonnet.”

Michael asked, “Are you sisters?”

Astrid shook her head. “No, cousins.”

Michael nodded and asked, “Are you from Montpellier?”

Roselina replied, “I am. Astrid is from Rodez.”

Cameron frowned. “Rodez? Where is-”

A gentle, yet confused voice cut across him, asking, “And what is your name?”

It turned silent. It took me a second to realize the voice was talking to me. I slowly looked up into the kind gaze of Zach Porter.

Before I could reply, Astrid butted in and lied straight through her teeth. “Oh! She doesn’t speak English! She just lives with me and my mother…..Er, laissez! Laissez!”

I glared back at her piercing stare, but; nonetheless, nodded. I made to turn around when Zach’s confused voice spoke.

“Uh, why did you tell her to leave? Does she not want an autograph?” He paused and walked to me, gently asking, “Mademoiselle, aimeriez-vous un autographe?”

My face lit into a smile but quickly fell as I took in Astrid’s furious glare. I knew I couldn’t answer or I would be punished.

Not wanting to be locked in the attic for a month, I shook my head and whispered, “Je suis désolé.” Before running out of the room.

People gasped as I ran past them. A man shouted from behind me. I knocked into a lady, making her papers fly everywhere. Before I could help her pick them up, a hand grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me up. I gasped, seeing security.

The grip on my arm tightened as he spoke, menancingly, “Et qui pourrait vous être?”

I tried pulling away, stuttering, “Je…Je…”

“Juliette?” He questioned, catching sight of the name carved on my bracelet. “Eh-”

“It’s okay, Nicholas. She’s with me.”

I felt an arm on my waist and looked into the blue eyes of Zach. My heart skipped a beat as he spoke.

“Votre nom est Juliette? Parles-tu anglais?”

I slowly nodded. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” I turned aware of a crowd forming around us.

Zach frowned. “What? Why? I won’t hurt you, Juliette.”

I took a few steps back, replying, “My life is hard enough as it is.”

His frowned deepened and he questioned, “What does that mean?”

I shook my head, “You do not want to know….Au revior, Zachary.” I pushed open the door and ran.

Away from him. Away from his blue eyes. I felt my bracelet loosen, but didn’t have time to give it a second thought as I jumped in the car. Sophie gave me a questioning look, while Astrid glared. Roselina looked depressed.

I sigh, knowing that I was going to get an earful tonight. For his own good…and mine, I hoped with all my heart that I would never lay eyes on the gorgeous blue-eyed Zachary Porter again. Because if I did, I was sure with all my heart and soul, I would fall in love with him.

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