Chapter Five: Le Chevalier Attend à Paris

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The Knight Awaits in Paris

I let out the hundredth gasp that day as I looked out of the window and saw Paris below. The first had been let out when Apolline showed me the airplane tickets. They had happened every ten minutes since then.

When I had arrived back at the bakery after being kicked out, Apolline had rushed forward and shooed everyone out of the shop. She then had taken care of me, promising that everything would be okay once we got far away from Rodez.

She had packed and not 20 minutes later, we were boarding the plane to Paris. I had a one-way ticket. I cried as the plane took off, holding Charmont in my arms, knowing that I may never return.

The plane landed and I put Charmont in his cage, the place where Maryse had carved into my wrist whitened. I ran my finger over the fresh wound, realizing it would never go away. Saleté. That’s what I was in her eyes. So, that’s what she carved in my skin.

“Come on, Mira. Your Knight awaits!” Apolline smiled, kindly.

Around us, people turned to look at her words. Some gasped, looking from their papers and up at me. My face heated and I just nodded, following her.

We walked through the airport and I heard someone call out, “That’s her! That’s Mira Juliette, Zach’s mystery girl!”

Embarrassed, I walked faster, head down. I knew they could see the word “filth” etched on my wrist and the bruises covering my face. Outside, we set our bags down, waiting for a taxi. I looked around in awe.

I turned to Apolline and exclaimed, “C’est manufique!! Où est la Tour Eiffel?!”

Apolline smiled, “Don’t worry, you will see it.”

We climbed in the taxi and went to our hotel. Once we got settled in and I changed into a mid-calf skirt, blue blouse, and put on my Mary Janes, we went out into the city. I had song sheets in my purse and Charmont’s leash in my hand. We walked along the Seine River, smiling. We went around a bend and I stopped dead in my tracks, gasping. It was more amazing than in pictures!

I whispered, “Eiffel Tower.”

Apolline smiled and said, “Why don’t you go show Paris what you’ve got.”

I nodded and walked forward, never taking my eyes off the structure. I walked on the lawn in front of it and started to vocalize. I barely noticed the people turn to look or Apolline taking a video.

“Oooohhhhh I’m here, where are you? My knight, my melody…woah woah! You search for me, yeah. Come follow my song and find me oohhhhhh…..Come! Come, Zach, come!”

I trailed off to claps. Apolline gasped, looking at her watch, she shrieked, “Mira!! Mira!! It’s already 6! HIS CONCERT STARTS IN AN HOUR!!! WE MUST HURRY!!!”

I gasped and an eldery lady walked up to me. She asked, “Etes-vous, Mira Juliette?”

I nodded, replying, “Oui! Je m’appelle Mira Juliette Gasquet. Pourqoui?”

She looked at me with sad eyes and touched my cheek. “Toujours se battre.”

Apolline grabbed my hand and exclaimed, “I looked at the time wrong! The concert has started!”

I felt my heart drop and we took off running to the road, calling a taxi. There was one already stopped, but a couple was climbing in. I rushed forward, tears forming in my eyes, pleading.

“S’il vous plait, s’il vous plait, puis-je avoir ce taxi? Je dois aller au concert; je suis Mira Juliette!”

The girl looked at me, realization in her eyes. Slowly, she nodded. I thanked them and we climbed in. Apolline told the driver the address and we were off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2012 ⏰

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