44 | manners

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44 | manners

"Mm." It's delicious. The soup that is being served at dinner. I don't know what they add in this but its really good.

I grab the bread and tear it in half. Eating one half of the bread and drinking the soup, I didn't realise that there were others sitting in the table until I hear a cough beside me. I open my eyes to look at the source, who looks at me sternly. It's one of the twelve wives. "Ophelia! Behave. What's wrong with you?" She questioned and I blushed, feeling slightly embarrased and put down the bread.

The whole table was filled with silence and everyone was quietly digging in the bread and soup. Ther were other stuff too. But the soup and bread.. god, it was a match made in heaven.

After a while, the table started emptying and everyone got up to hit the hay. I didn't know where to wash my hands. I wiped my hands on the white cloth beside the wooden plate. Yeah, the plates were made of wood.

Gosh, even my table manners are horrible.

"Want to come to my room? Let's have some talk." I said to Helena and Svetlana who were making their way towards the corridor. I scurried towards them and shouted this while doing so. I probably must have looked like a maniac.

Gosh, I won't ever make a graceful and elegant princess.

"Sure." Svetlana replies and grabs my hand to steady me and calm my erratic breathing from the running.

We walk down the hallway and to my room. Opening the large wooden door with intricate carvings on them, I led them to the huge bed. And we all lie down on it with a loud thud.

"I am so tired." Helena says and Svetlana and I moan in agreeance.

I feel really comfortable with them as if I am being with Elena and Bonnie. Their personality almost matches them and it astonishes me to no bounds, although it has been merely few short hours of being with them.

Okay. Get right to the plan Care.

"Give me the rings." I say. Oops. Was that too bold? Shit. They are going to find out I am not Ophelia and sue me. Do they sue people? Do they even know what sue means? Ok. Stop Care.

"What rings?" Svetlana asks tiredly.


I lift up my finger to show them the ring with blue stone.

"Why?" Helena asks and I see Svetlana already trying to get her ring out of her finger. Wow. She must trust Ophelia a lot. "Because..." Oh fudge. What do I tell her? "Um. I want to do something with it."

"What?" Helena asks as Svetlana hands me her ring, placing it on my palm and then turning over on my bed to sleep. She must be really tired if she doesn't even want to know the reason I am asking it for.

"Helena. Stop asking our dear sister questions and hand over the ring. You know she is asking the rings to probably draw them in her diary." Svetlana says sleepily.

"Fine." Helena says and hands me the ring before turning over on my bed to sleep as well. I sigh of relief and thank Svetlana silently in my head.

I lie on the bed as well and place the rings on the table beside the bed and wait for the other two to go to sleep. After about a few torturous minutes, I hear soft snores and see them both sleeping soundly. I sit up slowly and grab the rings from the bed side table and walk over to the door. I peek out my head and look at the lonely corridor. Then, eventually I walk out and close the door silently behind me.

I start roaming the corridors, hiding behind room doors when someone walks past. Then, after passing some more turns, I feel my legs worn out and see a beautiful park in the palace. Having an internal debate whether to continue or take a seat, I decide on the latter and sit down on one of the swings.

I enjoy the soft breeze of the chill air of the night and glance at the stars and the moon. Looking at the moon, it suddenly reminds me of Tyler, all of a sudden. And I realise how much everything has changed since then.

"You are not Ophelia."

Someone says and I freeze. I feel the chill air drop instantly in temperature and feel goosebumps erupt on my soft, sensitive skin. I turn around to see the swing beside me occupied by a girl. A girl so beautiful, who looks like my age. She is so beautiful with brown hair and blue eyes. Her dress looks similar to mine and I remember that I didn't see her during dinner. But, something about her was off. Like she looked slightly pale..

"I am a ghost." She said, confirming my doubts and I inhale sharply.

"Oh." I reply. Then, I remember that she mentioned that I am not Ophelia.

"How do—"

I was cut off.

"Ophelia would never come to the park because I scare her to death. And, you seemed different." She said and quickly added, "What are you doing here? Who are you?" She asked and I tell her.

Her voice has some kind of calming effect on me and I gladly tell her every single detail, not missing everything and end it with a single tear dropping from my left eye. I quickly wipe it away and feel lot more free as if I had just put down my huge backpack down. I feel relief flooding through me and gladly welcome the feeling with wide open arms.

"Wow." She says after a few moments of silence and I sigh looking at her. "You never told me who you are." I say and she looks at me. "I was one of Ophelia's  sisters." That shocked me and I remain silent and don't ask her anything about her death.

"I was a rebel." She continues. "So, I used to always escape the castle and roam around the village. Ophelia always advices me to not do that and I never listen to her. We would always end up in a fight and I intimidate her so she is afraid of me." I hear her voice crack at the end and I feel my heart ache for her. "Then, one day as I was roaming the villages, I died." She finishes. I realise how she doesn't mention the way she dies and I remain silent about it too.

We were silent for a few moments and it was a comfortable silence. "I actually have an idea for you." She suddenly exclaims and my heart rises to hope.

"There are so many guards around the castle and there are only five guards behind the castle so it is easy to escape out of there and three of them always go to sleep at night. Trust me, I know." She says and I smile at that.

"Once you escape out of the castle, go to the end of the village near the forest, there will be a small hut. In there, lives a lady, she is a fairy, don't worry she is a good person and she knows me so she will be able to help you. I swear, that fairy knows how to solve everything." She says and I feel my heart swell up at the happiness I feel at hearing this.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. Is there anything I could do to repay you?" I ask, almost jumping up and down on the spot. She smiles widely. "Its a pleasure." She says and adds, "Actually there is this one thing." She finishes and I raise my eyebrows in curiousity.

"In one of the five guards, there is this fat guy with ginger hair and I hate him a lot because seriously he always gets me in trouble for minor things. I sweae he has something against me. Please just whack him on his head on the way." She says and I laugh at this silly request.

"Sure will do." I reply and wave a goodbye to her as I make my way towards the behind of the castle.


I would probably freak out if a ghost starts talking to me but hey, its Caroline we are talking about here.

Hey Guys!

Will she safely reach the fairy or she is she going to get caught? Hmmm...

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