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Never Have I Ever Game
With The Originals


author: Never have I ever broken something at a friend's house and then not told them.

Kol: *drinks*
Klaus: *drinks*
Katherine: *rolls eyes and drinks*
Caroline: *drinks* Sorry Bonnie...
Bonnie: What did you break?
Caroline: The Radio.
Bonnie: Oh. That was mom's. Its okay then.
Damon: *drinks* Sorry Bro. *looks sheepishly at Stefan*

author: Never have I ever cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.

Klaus: What if I killed my way out of a speeding ticket?
Caroline: *whacks Klaus's arms*
Katherine: *drinks*
Rebekah: *drinks*
Elijah: I never got a speeding ticket.
Kol: Me too.
Everyone: *gasps*

author: Never Have I ever sung karaoke in front of people.

Caroline: I have! *drinks*
Klaus: You have? When?
Caroline: When I was ... with Matt?
Klaus: You were with Matt?
Rebekah: *drinks*
Caroline: Yeah.
Klaus: *jealous face*
Caroline: Come on baby, dont be jealous.
Elena: *drinks*
Bonnie: *drinks*
Klaus: I want you to sing for me too!
Caroline: Fine, I will. Later.
Klaus: *infamous smirk*

author: Never have I ever fantasised about anyone in this room

Everyone: *drinks*
Author: you naughty naughty vampires.
Katherine: you turned us into humans?
Author: Oh yeah! you naughty naughty humans.

author: Never have I ever doubted in my heterosexuality

Rebekah: *drinks* When you live for a long time...
Katherine: *drinks*
Bonnie: *drinks*
Kol: Oooo. Sexy. *whispers in Bonnie's ears*

author: Never have I ever been to a strip club.

Kol: *drinks*
Damon: *drinks*
Stefan: *drinks*
Klaus: *drinks*
Katherine: *drinks*
Rebekah: *drinks*
Elijah: *drinks*
Caroline: and we thought you were the noble Elijah!
Elijah: I had to go there to kill someone.
Caroline: Ohh.

author: Never have I ever tried to impress someone who hates me.

Katherine: *stares at Stefan and drinks*
Rebekah: *sighs and drinks*
Caroline: *drinks*
Damon: *stares at Elena and drinks*
Kol: *smiles at Bonnie and drinks*
Klaus: *kisses Caroline's forehead and drinks*

author: Never have I ever accidentally sent someone to the hospital.

Everyone: *drinks*

author: Never Have I Ever lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.

Caroline: *drinks* homework...
Katherine: *drinks*
Kol: *drinks*
Damon: *drinks*


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