Chapter 8: Ryan

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Chapter 8: Ryan

It burst out of the shadows and was running, running towards us, its grotesque figure barreling, charging, sprinting, knocking
down everything in its path. The crazy woman on my shoulders was silent, no longer squirming, no
longer screaming and certainly, no longer complaining, she just lay there, on my shoulder, quietly. It was difficult to avoid the debris
that was flying over my head as It moved. Cars would land inches away from where I was running but I had to remain calm. If i even
faltered for a moment, it would be over. If I stopped, if I fell, if I looked back... we were both doomed. It was neither human or mutant.
It was undescribable.

The loud crashes of movement i would have thought would have caused more mutants to flood the area like a tidal wave, rushing towards
the sound of a possible dinner bell. In this case, they didn't. They were afraid. Their normal behaivour had changed. They no longer
cared about us or each other, some would even pull their fellow mutants back so that It would get them first. Their behaviour was...
human-like. They showed no interest in ripping apart our flesh, just on escaping. They ran passed us, anythat were lucky anyway.
Crunching bones and violent screams blasted throughout the solom city as if being projected by a speaker. I'd never heard a mutant scream
in despiration before, chilling as it was.

"Sh*t!", I cried out as a mutant latched on to my back as to propell itself further forwards. The scuffle caused me to drop. The
unbalanced weight providing to be too much as me and the girl crashed to the floor. Costing us precious time and distance. The creature
roared in excitment, its glee evident as it skipped toward us. I tried picking myself up from the floor when i was pushed back down by
the beast. It laughed as it picked me up in its clutches and stared at me with a menacing grin.

I was staring death in the face.

It left me hanging there for a moment, 9 feet off the floor, allowing me to experience dread before my demise. The skin around its jaws
split as it opened its large, rotting mouth. Inside its mouth was black, no light was permitted entrance to brighten the shadows.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I was lowered into its gaping mouth. Was this the end form me? I didn't even have time to
think before its guillotine teeth came down, slicing through the air.

And I was dead...


Or not!

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