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Andrew's POV

Three Months later

BreAnna has been dragging her feet on signing the last document, that makes our divorce final. I know why she is, this has been just as hard for me, if not worse.

The season six premier is this weekend, and I was actually thinking about taking a date, It's over between BreAnna and I, so what would it hurt? I already have someone in mind, Someone who I was interested in way before I met BreAnna, and I heard she is single now. The one and only Kiera Knightly.


The night before The Walking Dead premier party, Norman asked if I would be his plus one. I really didn't want to go, since I knew Andrew was going to be there, and he might have a date, and I just couldn't handle that right now.

"Come on, BreAnna, it would be good for you to get out of the house." He points out, sensing my hesitation. I sigh, not wanting to give in, but I couldn't hide from Andrew forever. I nod, reluctantly, earning me a huge smile and a hug from Norman.

Norman and I have called it quits, not because I don't still have feelings for him, but I keep hoping Andrew will come back to me, and when and if that was to happen, it had to just be the two of us, working on our marriage.

"Hey Bre, why don't you go out and buy yourself a new dress, something that will knock Andrew for a loop." Norman says, giving me a wink.

"Yeah, like that's going to happen, he'll probably have some young hot thing on his arm, and he won't even notice me."

"BreAnna, Andrew still loves you, he's just hurt right now, he'll wake up, and he'll come running back to you." I snort at him, not really buying what he is selling.

"Then why did he already draw up the divorce papers, and he's just waiting for my signature?" Norman gives me a small smile.

"Bre, I don't think he expects you to sign them, you've had the papers for three months, and he hasn't bothered you about it." I sigh loudly.

"I hope you're right, Norman." I say, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"Ok, go buy yourself something sexy, I'll say with Little Andy until you get back." I smile brightly at him.

"Thank you, your the greatest." I tell him, practically skipping out the door.

It was the evening of the the premier, and I'm so nervous, I have butterflies in my stomach, and I feel like I'm going to throw up, as I put my dress on. I put my heels on and look at myself in the mirror. Well if this doesn't turn Andrew's head, I don't think anything will. I decide to leave my hair down and straighten it with my flat iron. I take one last look at myself, satisfied with what I see, I walk downstairs, to let Norman know I'm ready to go, we have to leave a little early, so we can drop Little Andy off at my dad's on the way to the party.

I walk down my long staircase, I  see Norman holding little Andy at the bottom of the stairs, he lets out a little whistle, " Your going to knock your husband's socks off."  I give him a lopsided smile.

"  I give him a lopsided smile

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I sure hope so." I say, as we walk out the door.

When we arrive at the party, it was already in full swing, loud music playing, hors d'oeuvres were circulating, and the open bar was packed. Norman, told me to go find our table, and he would go get us some drinks. I wandered around looking for our place cards with our names on it. That's when I see it, of course we were placed at the table, with the rest of the cast, why did I think we would be sitting at our own table. For now the table was empty, everyone must be either at the bar, or mingling about.

I take my seat, and let my eyes roam around the room, seeing if I could spot Andrew. I didn't see him anywhere, then the music stopped, and there was an announcement on the loud speaker, Letting everyone know, that the man himself, Rick Grimes, aka Andrew Lincoln, has arrived, with his beautiful date, Keira Knightly. The crowd clapped and whistled, obviously excited to see them. I had to keep gulping down my tears, that threatened to make themselves known. At this moment, I wished I had a shot of hard liqueur, in front on me. As if on cue, Norman puts a glass of wine in front of me, and had a shot of whiskey with a coke chaser for him. I grab his whiskey and down it in one glup. Norman, looks to me with a surprised look.

"Let me guess, Andrew showed up?" I frown at him.

"Yes, and with his co-star from Love Actually, The young, beautiful, Kiera Knightly." Norman gives me a sympathetic look.

I'm going to need more of those shots, in order to get through the night." I say, near tears again.

"Bre, That's not a good idea, that would just make you stupid." I give him a dirty look, as I see Andrew approaching out of the corner of my eye. I grap Norman's hand tightly, making him whence outloud.

Andrew has his hand resting on the small of Kiera's back. As he pulls out the chair for her. He smiles at me and Norman and takes his seat next to his date. The other cast members had started to make their way, to the table. Melissa, Lauren and Steven, seemed happy to see me, coming over kissing me on the cheek. Then I see JDM walk up behind them, giving me a wink and a smile, then leans down, kissing me softly on the cheek. Then takes his seat, next to me.

I see Andrew staring at Jeffrey and I, as we laugh and whisper back and forth. I was so happy, Jeffrey was flirting with me, because the look on Andrew's face was priceless. It was a mixture of jealousy and determination.

Jeffrey asked me to walk to the bar with him, to get another drink for the two of us. I nod, as Jeffrey takes a hold of my hand, helping me out of my chair.

I could feel Andrew's stare, burning a hole in the back of my head, as we wait in line, for our drinks.

I accuse myself from the line, and head towards the bathroom. As soon as I open the bathroom door, I feel a hand grab onto my wrist, pulling me into the bathroom. I get swung around, my back being pushed into the wall behind me. I see my husband's beautiful blue eyes looking into mine, his face just inches away from mine.

"What are you doing to me baby girl?" He says angrily.

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