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Just wanted to quickly mention that this book has not been professionally edotit, edated, edited. There will be sea-va-roll grammar mistakes and I also have a bit of difficulty with past, present and future tense(s)? I could blame it on English not being my first language but maybe - nah lets just blame it on that. Feel free to correct me along the way. That's it, buy bye.

O N E  |   A W O K E N

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O N E  |   A W O K E N

        A CONSISTENT BEEP slowly brought her back to her senses. She tried to fight against it, tried to hold onto wherever she was, desperately wanting to stay at peace. It had felt so relieving to be at peace for once. To be calm. To be safe. To not worry.

         It's claws were buried deep. That feeling of comfort slipping from her as it dragged her away into the light. It is not your time, it seemed to say. She couldn't tell if heard or felt it. Not a statement but a command. She wanted to scream, plead whatever it was that was taking her away, whatever was happening, to stop. Let her be.

        She liked it here.

        She thrashed against its hold, its claim on her. Her hands desperately tried to grasp at something, anything, but there was only darkness in front of her. The closer she got, the more the light behind her burnt, piercing through her, embracing her, completely consuming her until--

        Her nose scrunches at the stark smell of bleach. She rolls her head to the side in annoyance, attempting to not feel nauseous at the sudden change of light. Blinking desperately, she only sees strips of white between thick lashes.

        While the vivid light slowly subsides, the beeping beside her pickes up its pace. Tears form in her eyes when she attempts to focus on her surroundings. Her head pounds. A blur. Everything smears into white, blues and greys when she turns her head once more, not being able to handle the light any longer. With slow, steady breaths the beeping slows down, her chest not as tight anymore.

        The room, pristine clean and surprisingly vibrant with its pastel blue walls, is small and cozy. She frowns at the sight of a wheelchair to her right, its wheel reflecting the light above. A telephone is perched upon a shelf attached to the wall, its pulsing scarlet light glaring at her.

        Sheer linen curtains billow elegantly when the breeze slips through them, making the tips of the fabric caress the arm rest of the wheelchair. They frame the window perfectly, making the scene before her ethereal. Through the window, beyond the bushes, rocks then sand, the palpitating pulse of the sea is unvarying and most peaceful. Tranquil, just like where she was. A tangy, almost chlorine like, odour tickles her nostrils each time the breeze creeps through the curtains. Her lungs expand and she allows the aroma to comfort her, envelop her.

         She was in a hospital room, she had gathered that much. Strands of hair cover her right eye as she turns her head to the left to study the IV monitor. The girl frowns. Now accustomed to the blaring light, her eyes quickly sweep over the room, analysing it once more.

         IV monitor. Framed photographs. TV. Two flowers, one at each corner of the room beyond her toes. Her lips slightly part in shock. Media storage filled with DVDs. Mini fridge with transparent doors, giving a clear view of all the beverages and sandwiches.

         This roomed looked completely different from the room she woke up in last time. She draws in a breath, appreciating the soft sounds of the beach. There wasn't a beach last time. This time she tries to take a deep breath, grimacing at the pain that shoots along her ribs.

         A soft click of a door draws her attention. An older woman in baby blue clothing steps into the room, worrisome eyes widening once she locks eyes with the girl.

        "Oh my," the lady chokes out, hand placed on her heart, "how it's good to see your eyes."

        The nurse smiles, the laugh lines on her face deepening. Her hair is tied in a low bun, the roots greying slightly. There is so much care in her pale eyes, so much worry.

        "You must be confused. You've been here for a bit. I'm going to get the doctor okay? I'll be right back." The nurse was gone not a moment later.

↝ ♛ ↜

        ''There was an accident, Natalia.''

        She had concluded that during his long explanation of her injuries yet hearing the weight those words, it somehow felt...more real. He had said something else but she had zoned out, processing everything.

        ''Natalia?'' The girl whispers, the name foreign on her tongue. It is then that she realizes how heavy her body feels. She wiggles her toes, the fabric of the blanket rubbing against her feet.

         Dr Marfell straightens in the seat beside her. His eyes quickly read over his notes before he asks, ''Do you not recognise the name?'' Although his voice was soft, she could could hear the fear behind those words.

        ''No,'' she starts, his eyes close at her response for a moment, '' I do, my name is Natalia.'' Her voice was confident and by the subtle relief apparent on his face, she knew she was right.

        He smiles before saying, ''good. Did you hear what I said earlier? About how long you've been here?'' The question seems odd and indeed she didn't remember, she had zoned out.

        ''Um, no, not really - sorry.'' She glances away from those viridescent eyes, slightly embarrassed.

        He licks his upper lip before saying, ''Natalia...You've been in this hospital for two weeks.''

        Dr Marfell observes her shocked reaction, allowing her to blink several times before saying, ''you've been in a coma.''

Treat yourself to a bit of brownie and pizza x

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Treat yourself to a bit of brownie and pizza x

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