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Ola! I've decided to rewrite this prologue, change it up a bit as it doesn't have the effect I want. Feel free to skip to the first chapter if you want :)


          Shadows quiver beneath the night sky each time the wind sings. They move beneath the beam of the moonlight ominously. Leaping abruptly, she reaches for the pole just as he cries.


         Her grip tightens on the metal pole. She hooks her foot in the hole of the netting before pulling herself up, arms straining slightly. Perching herself onto it, she looks back, legs on either side of the gate.

          The alley is narrow, cans and chip packages scattered around. They reflect the moonlight, as if mimicking the pallid spots that twinkle above. A cat sits upon a rubbish bin, licking its paw.

          His panting becomes louder as he approaches, his stomach bouncing with each step he takes trying to run after her. The peaked cap on his head wobbles as he runs. Blue uniform clinging to his body; sweat stains under his armpits. With the moonlight behind him, his shadow stretches.

          For a second she feels bad for him, for the trouble she's causing. That thought vanishes as soon as it comes when she realizes how close his stubby legs are getting. She smiles, his appearance reminding her of a blue cake pop.

          A last glance at the alley. She lifts her other leg over the gate before jumping down. The landing sending a shock up her leg as the cat turns to look at her mid-lick.

          ''STOP!'' This time his voice isn't as loud, his panting slowing him down; voice bouncing off the walls.

          She takes off, hair slapping her cheek every time she looks to the side. It takes her a moment to realize that she can no longer hear him, the alley isn't there to echo his footsteps. Wind whispering in her ear, she keeps running. Feet barely touching the pavement. Soon enough her thoughts cloud her mind, the distant firetruck siren becomes silent. She can only hear her own breathing. Why am I doing this?

          Good question. She shakes her head, mentally rolling her eyes at herself. She knows why. It's not a choice. The weight on her back suddenly becomes heavier. The jewels rattling inside her bag weighing more than it should.

          Shaking her head once more, she closes her eyes. Heartbeat growing louder as she feels each individual droplet of rain falling onto her face.This is the last time. She assures herself, hair bouncing behind her as she continues running. He said it was the last time.

          Her eyes snap open to the sound of an engine. The car slowly approaches her. Headlights glowing in the darkness. "Get in." His voice stern. He eyes her. Looking down, she quickly gets in, fearing of what could happen to her if she disobeyed like last time. His eyes glance at her hips as if reading her mind. The bruise beneath her shirt throbs at the memory.

          He drives off, cigarette between two fingers as he changes the gear. A pain emerges within her chest as her sight blurs and she remembers his actions. His fists. The wall. Her blood. His belt.

           "You better have the right amount this time," he huffs, glancing at her before changing gear. "I do, John." Her fingertips briefly kiss her backbag, her voice barely a whisper. His voice fades into the background while she gazes out the window.

           Rain pelts down onto the car, bouncing off onto the damp road. Trees surround her, their long limbs stretching out, trying to grasp onto her.

           The window is cool against the pad of her fingertips as she traces a small design. An arrow. The condensation makes the trees outside fade into the background as she focuses on the arrow she drew.

           A small smile reaches her lips as she remembers the days with her brother. Pretending to be in 'The Hunger Games', playing with a bow and arrows. Attempting to make medicine out of plants. Climbing trees.

          Lighting strikes. John suddenly steps on the breaks, sending her forward.

          She turns just in time to see a truck looming in front of them. Its piercing eyes blinding her for what's to come. She squints her eyes, barely seeing a figure behind the steering wheel. The light above the driver seat revealing a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

          The car seems to vibrate when there's a long honk from the truck. The sound ringing in her ears.It all seems to happen in slow motion : her eyes dilate in horror, arms reaching for the wheel. The car abruptly turns left, the momentum squishing her against the window as the car drifts on the road. Smoothly gliding in circles.

          A gasp escapes her lips as something sharp digs into her ribcage. The sharp intake of breath overwhelms her as she feels herself floating. Arms rising to the roof as her eyes scan the car, the coffee rising from its cup while she blinks. She can hear a man's scream near her as she watches the dark liquid slowly dance in the air, reaching for the ceiling of the car. Her seatbelt pulls her backwards, clinging her to her seat, the momentum making her hit the back of her head.

          She watches in awe as everything in the car rises in union before - gone.


Unedited >_<

I see you've stumble upon my book. Thank you for reading this far :)

Let me start off by saying that I'm not a very good writer, I don't know how to describe my ideas in great detail but I can assure you that I'll try my best.

Please feel free to grab some food anytime (I know I do all the time) or leave a comment and I will try my best to always reply :)

Have a lovely day,

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