Chapter Ninteen

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I apologize for not updating last week. I unfortunately got grounded (and still grounded). So I am currently doing my best to write and draw and do school whild grounded. Thank you all for understanding! Enjoy this special chapter >:)

Grasping Fate

Chapter 19

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left"

Back in the new rebel camp, which was going well in terms of construction, Mitch had once again returned 3 days later.

Seto walked along the outskirts of a wall that would eventually be built around the camp as a form of protection. He felt bad for Mitch, not only did he have to rule an entire kingdom, every time he came to visit he would need to lie and make excuses, and he had to visit quite frequently.

On a completely unrelated note, Seto found it a lot easier to actually use magic. For the first time since finding out he had magic just four months ago this has been the only time he has been able to control it for more than 5 minutes. After his first attempt several days ago, Seto told Wag immediately. Now with Wag's help he's successfully building up his stamina for telekinesis. He hasn't yet dabbled in Elemental or Dreamwalking. And doesn't even know where to begin with his Seer magic.

Since Mitch returning, Seto has noticed some odd things.

Like just earlier today he went to talk to Adam and Adam ran away screaming. Ian was more calm and just told him that they was busy and then yelled after Adam. Seto just wanted to talk.

Seto still carried the staff Jerome made him, but Wag had no idea how to bind it to his magic, so he was stuck with his situation like this.

"Hey Seto!" Seto brightened up when he heard Tyler call out to him.

"Tyler, hey!"

"Good, I found you. I need your help, I'm looking for Captain Moro--Maron, it's kind of urgent. This stupid new layout of the camp is confusing and I'm a bit lazy right now--I mean, can you help?"

Seto suppressed a laugh, "Sure, I'll go find him and tell him you need to talk" Seto waved and started walking around. If Jordan wasn't in a visible place, then he must be inside a tent or building. And he was glad he had something to do, he was feeling a little bored while waiting for Wag to get out of a meeting--of course!

Jordan might be with Wag in that meeting. So he just needed to find Wag!


"Well why the hell not? If they want a fucking fight I say we go on right ahead and give them hell!"

Mitch sighed, Tom was a complete idiot. Or well, more like one always looking for a fight, he was stubborn and hot-headed, and wanted to go to war.

"We can't, we're trying to prevent an all out fight for as long as possible, preferably forever," he countered.

"Mitch is right, we are in no condition for a war, especially considering our smaller numbers, and the beating we took quite recently. We still have a few people recovering from injuries, Sub included." Mitch listened as Jordan backed him up, and watched Jason flinch at the mention of Sub's name. He probably felt that Sub should be here and not him, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Likely never.

"But just siting here is doing nothing, with all due respect to the King here, we hardly have any supplies to work with, and it's a miracle Jason was able to gather so much on his recent trip to Keuta. And we can't continuously visit, otherwise someone might get suspicious," Dan pointed out (NOT youtuber, just random character named Dan, I pray I don't get another 50 comments on the random characters named Dan and Travis)

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