Chapter 4

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*Yuto's Point of View (starting with flashback)*

Yuto had been following the small group of Obelisk Force soldiers for a while now. They had seemed to be tracking something, or rather someone, which had made him hesitate in confronting them. Who they were trying to find might prove to be useful information. Maybe, just maybe, one of the soldiers or their prey might know where Ruri [Lulu is the dubbed name, but I will be using subbed here] is.

The thing that he didn't expect, however, was to find the soldiers following the trail of someone he knew. A girl he had met just two days before.

Even though he had only seen you once, Yuto could never forget your gorgeous (h/l), (h/c) hair, and more importantly the light of your bright (e/c) eyes. In all the time you had been apart, he just couldn't get you out of his mind.

The reason he was out on the streets currently was because Shun was getting irritated by Yuto's distracted mind, and had sent him to clear his head. He might as well have made the outing profitable by taking down more Fusion scum.

Yuto had been following the little party from the cover of the rooftops high above, his mask and goggles in place for extra precaution. When the soldiers had finally made themselves visible to you in the alley, he had considered intruding right then and there, but in the interest of finding out Obelisk Force's reason to be tracking you, he kept his distance.

His second surprise for the afternoon came when he had overheard the conversation between the soldiers and you.

"... Why don't you be a good girl and come back home with us. Your father has missed you dearly. Don't you want to say hello to him again?"

There was only one part that really hit hard. Back home. If your home was the same as these beasts from Fusion, then that meant that you were scum too.

(real time) Yuto silently leaps to the next building in his pursuit of you. His mind travels back to the events just minutes ago.

He feels so conflicted. If you were Fusion, then why did you help them? Their foreign duel disks would have made it easy to identify them as XYZians [Is that right?], and there wasn't exactly anyone around to stop you.

Then again, you had seemed surprised when you learnt you weren't of this dimension.

(flashback) After the three Obelisk Force soldiers had challenged you to a duel, you had accepted enthusiastically. Even though you were Fusion, Yuto couldn't help the churning in his stomach at the fact that the odds were stacked against you three to one. He had prepared his duel disk in case he had to jump in to help you.

(real time) Yuto pauses. He had been worried for you. How could he though, when you are Fusion, when you are the enemy?

(flashback) There had been no need for his concern. You seemed to surprise even yourself at how easy it was to take down the soldiers. They were elite fighters. It shouldn't have been over that quick. Yuto had to admit, he admired your skills with a deck.

His only fault in your dueling was your use of polymerization and fusion summoning. It was clear now by how advanced your technique was that you were not taught by someone from Standard. Still, it produced the desired result.

(real time) Yuto lets out a small sigh as he continues to follow your retreating form, desperately trying to order his racing thoughts. What was he meant to do about this? What was he meant to do about you?

[Sorry if that part was a bit confusing to understand in the way it was written.]

*(y/n)'s Point of View*

It has been at least five minutes since your battle with the soldiers, and the damage from the duel – damage that you swear felt real – is starting to take its toll.

You had won without a doubt, but with only 700 life points to spare. It seems like a lot left, but when considering the damage that got you there... 3300 is a big number. The soldiers had been a lot easier to beat than you had expected. Maybe you really are better than you give yourself credit for?

You turn a corner. There is still a whole block to walk before you reach your house. Your steps feel heavy and your whole body aches. Since when was a duel so taxing? The soldier's monsters really had had an effect on you. The thought of the damage being real doesn't sound so crazy to you anymore. How could you listen to reason after what your pursuers had just told you? How could you contemplate the sanity of this dimension when you are from another one entirely?

It is all too much. The truths. The lies. The damage that shouldn't even be possible. You can feel your head start to spin as your vision blurs.

You look upwards to the sky tainted pink and gold from the setting sun. You would have some questions for your mother when you got home. Your statement changes to if you get home as you feel your feet give out beneath you.

You vaguely register a strangely familiar shadowed figure on the roof of the building nearest to you just before you collapse on the pavement and the world goes black.

*Yuto's Point of View*

Yuto was contemplating making himself known to you when you suddenly crumple to the ground. He lets out a small gasp in surprise and hastily descends from his vantage point.

After quickly checking the street for any onlookers, he rushes up to you and kneels down beside your silent form. Yuto can feel his heartbeat quicken, even though your chest still rises and falls.

He gently presses a hand to your forehead. A little warm, but no real fever. You weren't sick then. Good. Not really wanting to continue the diagnosis in the middle of the path, he gingerly picks you up to carry you home [... and he just happens to know where you live ...].

With you now cradled in his arms, he can feel the increasing shaking. If it wasn't a cold, then his next best guess was from exhaustion. That duel must have been harder on you than he thought.

No one is home yet, and all of the doors to your house are locked, and so Yuto decides to slip in through a window. He eventually finds the room which he assumes belongs to you. The walls are a soft (f/c), and adorned with all sorts of photos of friends and family. He smiles to himself at some of them: Yuya poking his tongue out at the camera, you and Yuzu on a carousel together as kids, and ... your mother and father on their wedding day.

Yuto carefully lays you down on the bed, and tucks a blanket around you so that you don't get cold. Remembering the name that the Obelisk Force soldier addressed you by, he tests it out.

"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n). What a beautiful name." Another smile plays at his lips. Since when did he smile so much? The answer is simpler than he would like to admit. Since meeting you. His smile fades.

"Oh (y/n). I tried to keep you out of this mess, but it seems that even before I met you were waist deep in it already." Yuto slowly seats himself down on the bed beside you, lifting a finger to your tranquil face to brush a stray lock of hair from your eyes. "You have to make it through this war. We both do."

Yuto quickly gets up. What is he doing? You are still from Fusion. You are still the enemy. Yet, when he looks at you... No. This isn't right. All whatever this is is because you are pretty. Just surface level attraction. Shallow. Doomed before it even begun. Yuto stalked to the window and yanked it open, disappearing into the night.

He didn't look back.


I am sorry this is a short chapter, but again it was the best place to leave it. If you are enjoying my writing, or just have nothing better to do, please check out some of my other stories, especially my latest work, 'Rogue Caster'. Thanks to everyone who reads this!

♡RackyQuok Out♡    

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