Chapter 25

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Yuya walks to the centre of the field with his usual confidant smile, and you take your seat amongst your friends to spectate just as Nico Smiley announces the match.

"Duel Fans prepare yourselves. Our next Arc League Championship battle is about to begin! It's Yuya Sakaki versus Sylvio Sawatari in a duel destined to dazzle!"

You had to hand it to him. Nico Smiley certainly did have a way with words. That and managing to get even the most reluctant audience member excited for a match.

This was evident by the roar in the stadium as people stirred restlessly, eager for the match to start.

You look to your friends and smile at their cheers for Yuya. Even his mum was getting into it, with a subtle yet determined smile on her face.

Whispers of conversation catch your attention.

"That's the duellist they say can Pendulum summon!"

"Erh, I've heard Pendulum summoning isn't even real."

"With the whole world watching, guess we'll all find out! And find out if Yuya is the next big thing or a big phony!"

You sit back in your seat and cross your arms. A smirk finds its way onto your face.

"They'll soon learn."

Yuzu hears you muttering and addresses you.

"I'm sorry (y/n), did you say something?"

You shake your head, the smile widening.

Something on the field catches your attention however, and you lean forwards to get a better view. Someone has entered the arena and is making their way towards Yuya.

They aren't exactly dressed normally, with a blue and white striped cape and traditional hat obscuring their face. You catch a glance of gold locks beneath and make the connection not long after.

Really, Sylvio?

Yuzu's Dad seems excited by the strange costume though, and produces a stream of facts about the samurai, obviously trying to show off. You turn your attention back to the ring.

While you can't hear what they are saying exactly, Sylvio's extravagant gestures confirm your suspicions that it is probably something worthy of his pitiful IQ.

Sylvio removes his costume in a dramatic reveal, and poses for the cameras. His goonies aren't far away from you, and you can hear them applauding.

It takes a surprising amount of self-restraint not to go over there and smash their big ugly faces in.

"Please don't encourage him."

Yuzu voices your thoughts exactly.

Yuya doesn't seem very impressed at the display.

You feel sorry for him. All he wants is to duel and move on to the next round.

Sylvio seems to be accusing Yuya of something, with your friend honestly denied the claims. All it does is pump up Sylvio even more, and confuse Yuya at the same time. Sylvio was weird when it came to grudges.

After some more trash talk from Sylvio, Nico Smiley finally activates the Action Field Spell, Sunset Stronghold, and the duel begins.

While Sylvio definitely put up a good fight, and even shocked the whole stadium by using Pendulum summoning, there was never really any competition. Just like you expected.

The duel was soon over, and Yuya was the victor. With another win under his belt, that smile of his shone just a little bit brighter.

You join the crowd in their cheers.

The buzz of the audience has started to get to your head, but you can't help it. Your duel is up next. [Note that I did have to change the opponents for the duels around a bit, so it is not accurate to the anime in some circumstances.]

You quickly farewell your friends, and make your way down to the entry to the field.

The butterflies are there in your stomach. You have no reason to be nervous, but you still are. Entertaining a crowd isn't as easy for you as it is for Yuya.

You are still in the shadows, but you can see the light of the field at the end of the hall.

Nico Smiley begins the introduction. It's time.

You take a breath to steady yourself and take your first step towards the light.

Only to be pulled back by a hasty hand on your wrist.

You squeal in fright, but soon calm down when you see the familiar face of Yuto.

"You scared me half to death!"

He smiles at your mock fury. "Sorry."

You only realize it now, but he is breathing quite heavily.

"Are you okay?"

He notes your concern and his expression softens.

"Don't worry about me. I just got caught up in a duel. I didn't want to miss your match, so I was a bit tight on time getting her, that's all."

Nico Smiley calls your name, alerting you to your current duties.

"I'm sorry Yuto, but that's my cue. Wait for me, okay?"

You turn to go, but he catches you again and pulls you into a quick kiss. His heart beats fast against your own.

After what feels like no time at all Yuto pulls away, flashing you a sad smile, and giving you a gentle nudge towards the arena.

"Knock 'em dead (y/n)."

You nod, and walk into the arena, only just catching his final words before the roar of the crowd overwhelms your senses.

"I'll be waiting."

Those three simple words give you newfound confidence, and you walk to the centre of the field with your head held high.

Aura is waiting.

"What took you so long."

You smirk, unable to pass up the opportunity.

"Oh, just my boyfriend. You know, something you'll never have."

Her little face turns a brighter shade of red than even Yuya's hair, and you swear you see smoke coming out of her ears.

"Whatever. I'm sure you're lying anyway. Let's just get this duel over with."

You couldn't agree more.

Nico Smiley finishes his introduction and selects the Action Field Spell card.

"Brain Research Lab!"

You don't miss the irony that fate has thrown at you. [This is a real Action Field Spell btw. I couldn't believe it when I found it.]

Aura doesn't miss your changed expression.

"Aw what's wrong? Did you only just now realise that you don't stand a ghost of a chance against me?"

"If I don't stand a chance, then I'll just have to sit down. I'll beat you either way."

Her blazing expression lights a fire inside you as well.

"Oh, it's on!"


I'm back with another chapter! This one isn't as long as the last one sorry, but hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon(ish). I actually have a bit of a plan for it as well, which is better than I usually do (literally I tell myself I should give you guys another chapter and then watch a couple of episodes of Arc V and write).

I hope everyone had a wonderful festive season and New Years! 😊


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