Chapter 14

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After that conversation, you had excused yourself before your mother got any ideas. All you wanted really was a shower, clean clothes, real food, and a good night's rest. You had the first two achieved as soon as you could after entering your room, and the third came soon after, when your mother called you down for dinner.

The fourth was a little more difficult, and came much slower. Your head was still racing with all that you had learned, and you would have to go over it all again when you met up with Yuto and Shun tomorrow. Why did your past have to be so . . . complicated?

You turn over in your bed, pulling the (f/c) sheets up to your chin as you try to find a more comfortable position.

Tomorrow you would have to ask your mum more about this 'chip' in your head, and more importantly, how to get it out. The whole 'powerful' thing didn't sit well with you. Sure, it would be great to be able to protect yourself from Fusion and all, but you didn't like the thought of not knowing what you are capable of, and having the possibility of hurting the people you care about – not that there were many of them left.

The thought brings something else to mind. Your friends from You Show. They must be worried too, as your mother no doubt assumed you were with one of them when you ran off and contacted them about the situation.

You find your phone and send a quick text through to Yuzu.

You: Hi, how are you doing?

She takes a few moments to respond.

Yuzu: OMG (y/n), are you ok? You had us all worried sick disappearing like that! And what are you doing up at this hour? You are lucky that its Sunday and we have one more day before school!!

You check the clock. It reads 12:06. There goes your hope of a good sleep.

You: I'm fine, but I can't sleep.

Yuzu: What happened that made you run off like that? It isn't like you.

You consider leaving the question and going back to sleep, especially considering her reaction to the whole 'other dimensions' thing. Still, some part of you wants to tell her, just because she and Yuya are the only ones in your life at the moment who still seem normal.

You: I didn't like what I was told about my past. If you're even interested I can tell you tomorrow. You probably want to get back to sleep now.

Yuzu: No, its fine, I can talk now if you want. And sorry about the way I reacted the other day. It's just a lot to take in. I know you wouldn't lie about something that big.

You weren't expecting an apology, but you are glad that you got it, and that she believes you.

You: You know how I don't remember much from when I was young?

Yuzu: Yeah...

You: Well, apparently mum erased and tampered with my memories. So basically, most of my childhood is a lie.

Your pink-haired friend's response is delayed.

Yuzu: That's really big. I understand why you got so angry and ran away now. Even so, she was really worried about you, and it is obvious that she cares. And do you know the reasons why she erased your memories? Even though it's not right, she probably didn't mean to hurt you, and just wanted to protect you.

Even though it was nice to hear, you were starting to get sick of people telling you that your mum still cares. That may make you seem insensitive, but it was the truth.

You: I know she still cares. It's just not something you can get over quickly.

Yuzu: I understand. Are you back safe at home now?

You: Yeah.

Yuzu: Where did you go anyway? Our city isn't too bad, but it's still not safe outside after dark when you're by yourself. I know you're a great duellist, but some people will bypass duelling and go straight to physical means.

It concerns you a little that Yuzu has even thought about how people will kidnap and attack you. Your only consolation is that as far as you know, she isn't talking from experience.

You: It's ok. I was safe with friends. Plus, I had my phone on me if anything went wrong.

Another pause.

Yuzu: Which friends? Both Sora and Yuya had no idea where you had gone and were just as concerned.

You faintly register the hurtful fact that she thinks that she and the boys are your only friends, even though until recently it was the truth. This part of your story was a little harder to explain. When you fail to answer quickly, Yuzu elaborates.

Yuzu: At least tell me how many of them there was, what gender they were, and whether they go to our school. If not, how you know them. I'm sorry if I'm being pushy, but I don't want you getting mixed up with bad people who could only hurt you.

The more general aspects were a lot easier to answer.

You: 2. Boys. Not from school.

Yuzu: Then how do you know them??

You decide on the truth, but still leaving out the more delicate factors.

You: I ran into one of them on the streets when he was hurt. One of them then found me then when I had run away, and offered to let me stay with them until I worked things out.

Yuzu: Are they good people? Can you be sure they won't hurt you?

You consider these questions, and what your friend is really trying to ask. Whether they will respect your opinion and not try anything.

You: Yes.

Elaborating would sound like you are unsure and trying to convince yourself, so you leave your answer plain.

Yuzu: If you ever feel threatened or start to doubt, please don't hesitate to leave. And is there any way for me to meet them?

You chuckle at how concerned she is, and feel a small smile grace your face knowing how much she cares. But then you come to the second part of her message. You are sure that Yuto would be fine in meeting your friends, but Shun . . . Shun would be problematic.

You: One of them is more . . . well I don't know how to explain it, but he doesn't really like new people that much.

Your smile softens when you consider that it is not really that Shun doesn't like new people, but more that he doesn't want to bring any more people into this war than necessary, and risk putting them in danger.

You: Maybe sometime in the future, but not right now.

Yuzu: That's a shame. Let me know if anything changes.

You: K

You find yourself yawning.

You: I should probably get some sleep. Thanks for talking and understanding.

Yuzu: Ok. Goodnight. Or rather good morning. ;)

You chuckle again and lie down. It's a few more minutes until your phone buzzes again.

Yuzu: Hey (y/n)?

You: Yeah?

Yuzu: I know this is a touchy subject and you don't like to repeat yourself, so if you wanted, I could fill Yuya and whoever else you wanted to tell in on what you have told me now before we meet up at You Show tomorrow. You don't have to agree; it's just I don't want you to have to go through the trouble of digging up those memories again.

You: Thank you. That would be really great. I am so lucky to have you. And just Yuya if that's ok. Also, same time?

Yuzu: Yeah, now get some sleep!

You smile once more before you finally let the heavy vale of sleep descend, and the memories that now come with it begin.


I just want to say a belated Merry Christmas and happy Holiday Season, as well as a happy New Year!!


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