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Trees line the driveway, so it doesn't take us long to be closed in by evergreens. The lights of the lodge barely penetrate past the branches. My mind is spinning wildly. I'm trying to think of something, anything, to say. If we could just stop walking, maybe I could at least... maybe I could get him to stay quiet about it.

A sliver of hope inside me says that maybe he doesn't know. I'm clinging to that sliver harder than I realize.

It's so dark in here. Pierce doesn't seem to mind. I glance back at the lodge, but I can't see it anymore, not past the trees. When I turn back forward, Pierce has stopped, and I run into him.

My face flushes, because the first thing I notice is how strong he is. I back away, suddenly grateful for the dark.

Silence settles around us. If he wants me to speak first, he'll have to wait a few minutes. I still have no idea what to say.

"So you have some sort of snow powers," he says blankly.

I jolt, and my eyes snap to his. But it's too late to deny it. I can't act confused and say "What are you talking about?" My stupid eyes gave it away. And now he's going to treat me like a freak and maybe tell some mental health doctor or crazy scientist and all my fears about being found out will come true.

My heart speeds up. Because I realize that this is the first time anyone's ever found it. I made it eighteen years in the dark. And in the dark is where someone found out.

But he's not... mad. He doesn't seem wierded out.

Slowly, his hands reach towards mine. I'm so surprised by the motion that I let him lift my hands up and study my palms. His fingers trace my skin. He turns them over and looks at the back.

"Can you show me?" he asks quietly.

I stare at him, in some form of awe. My mouth is incapable of making words. He's looking at me. Not at my stupid ice powers. He's seeing me. Not my freakish abilities. Before I can stop it, I'm forming ice in the air above my palm. A snowflake is spinning in a calming circle. 

I watch it, mesmerized.

Then, as if waking from a trance, I realize that it's my hand that's making that snowflake. The soft tendrils of frost curling from it get harsh and ragged. Icy spikes pierce through the delicate design, and the whole thing crumbles. It hits the snow beneath us with a thud.

I stare at the indents in the snow.

It's been months since I used my powers like that. Since I decided to use them, not when they snuck up on me out of nowhere. And I've never used them with someone else watching. I dare to look back up at Pierce, to see the fearful amazement in his eyes as he stares at the snow I made.

But he's not looking at the snow. He's looking at me. Something flutters in my chest. It's not fear or wonder or disbelief in his eyes. It's... different. Admiration, and passion, and... hunger.

"You're amazing," he whispers. I can't stop staring at him. He's so different than every reaction I've ever imagined.

His hands are on mine again, but he's not studying them for some secret of my power. His fingers are intertwining with mine, and he steps closer, and he leans closer, and suddenly I panic. I scramble back a step and fall into the snow.

He gets it. He extends a hand to help me up, but keeps his distance as we walk back to the lodge. I tuck my hands in my pockets, trying to keep them from tingling. The light from the windows lights up our faces as we come closer, and Pierce is silent.

I want to say something. Apologize? Beg him to keep it secret?

Somehow, I know he won't be telling anyone. 

We enter the house, and I pull off my coat. Honestly, I was hot wearing this coat outside. I don't know if I'd be able to function wearing it inside. I see Ariana curled up on the couch and head over to her.

"Elsa!" she says when she sees me. "I'm sorry we're not sharing a room. If I had anything to do with the assignments I would've put us together. I know how you are with strangers and everything."

"No, Ariana," I say, sinking down beside her. "It's okay."

She puts a hand on my knee. "How are you feeling? Yesterday you said you felt sick."

I shrug. A second passes and I tap my toe against the floor. "Did you see Pierce yet?"

Ariana sucks in a breath and smiles at me. "No, I haven't. Where is he?"

I point towards the doorway, but he's not there. My finger wavers in the air for a second before I pull back.

"He's where?"

I look at the stairs, but he's not there either. "I don't know. I thought he was by the door, but... he's not there anymore."

Ariana shrugs. "I'll see him at some point. Our first ski lesson is tomorrow at ten." She smiles brightly. "I'm so excited!"

I try to smile back, but I'm still wondering where Pierce is. I feign a yawn and stand up. "That bus ride wiped me out. I'm going to head to bed."

"Okay, sugar." Ariana rubs my arm. "See you tomorrow."

As I head to the stairs I look around the room and see Rachel and Anna playing cards by the fireplace, so I'll be alone. I rush to our room to take advantage of every second. As I close the door behind me, the dark swallows me up, and I take a huge breath.

Pierce has me confounded. He knows my powers.

But he's not afraid of me.

And that scares me.

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