Fourth Attempt

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"Kunikuda-kun." Dazai called out, looking up the blue sky that was framed by branches of trees.

Kunikida occupied the vacant spot of the bench beside the male and offered him a can of coffee. He already knew what would his partner said. It was the very same statement that he kept saying for the past days.

"... I want to see her again." Dazai continued, tilting his head to the blonde as he grab the canned coffee.

The brunette's partner raised an eyebrow.  Personally, Kunikida doesn't mind the fact that Dazai has gotten more energetic than the usual Dazai. After all, it speeds up their job. However, the constant nagging was getting in his nerves.

"How are you even sure it's her?" He finally asked.

Dazai let out a laugh. "She has been avoiding my calls and messages since the time I met that girl."

"There's also this fact that she sounds exactly like her. Kunikida-kun, it's her. I'm hundred percent sure."

"... Then meet her."


"Look for her. You know her looks, her occupation, her voice... Those are not much but it will narrow down your search to a single person."

"Are you suggesting me to search the whole city?"

"What!? That's stupid! I'm suggesting you to arrange a meeting for her!"

"Kunikida-kun, calm down. Getting angry easily will shorten your lifespan."

"...Is that true?"

"Yeah. Write it." Dazai took a sip of his drink while watching the other male write down his ideals. "...I'm just kidding."



"I'm scared. Mommy, where are you? Why aren't you here?"

Oh. I remember this memory. My mother and I went to the fireworks festival. It was fun.

I wore a beautiful red yukata embroidered with cherry blossom patterns. My mother bought it for me once she had the spare time from work.

I like going out my house back then. It's quite refreshing. But my body didn't. I felt very dizzy with the large crowd. They like pushing my petite body around, making me tire myself without actually doing anything.

My mother looked really scared when she checked my wellbeing. She said that my face was white as a sheet. She told me to wait on the bench since while she look for a place where she can buy a bottle of cold water.

But she was taking so long. So long that I got bored. Being a 'courageous' kid back then, I searched for her. Searched for her amongst the large crowd. But the crowd consumed my body and I drowned on the sea of individuals.

"I'm scared. Mommy, where are you? Why aren't you here?"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Alarm clock?

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