A Request

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"So, erm...who exactly is your boss?" Joker nervously asked the man who escorted them into the mansion.
The man sniggered, "Don't act so naive, J. Have you really not told her yet?"
Joker's eyes darted straight to Harley, who wearily carried Jack.
"What are you talking about?" The green-haired psychopath asked nervously, to which the man laughed yet again.
"Harley Quinn, did your husband not tell you about the little deal he made with a certain-somebody regarding your children?" He asked, as Harley stopped dead in her tracks, pulling back Joker.
"What deal?" She asked in sudden rage, before her husband bowed his head in confession.

"Before I met you, I worked with a man who saved my life plenty of times." Joker told Harley, before they all reached the drawing room of the mansion.
Harley's heart began to sink, as Joker continued to explain, "In return for every favour he gave to me, he requested something from me.." Joker paused, "You see, he and his wife wanted a baby girl badly, but they couldn't have children. They weren't allowed to adopt because of their criminal records," Looking into Harley's tearful eyes, Joker spoke with sorrow, "So they requested that the first daughter I had...would be theirs..." He finished, looking down at Lucy, whose eyes were fluttering in sleep.
"I didn't think I would ever have children, so I made an accord with him. I'm sorry." Joker whispered.

As the man opened the doors to the room, a male figure stood at the fireplace with his back turned away.
Before Harley could even get a word out, the figure turned around and smiled. "Jack Napier!" He yelled to Joker, "It's been too long, buddy."
Joker and Harley both widened their eyes.
"Napier...Mrs. Harley Napier...." Harley whispered to herself, looking up at her husband, who gave his best fake-smile to the man.
Nodding politely to the man, Joker spoke, "It certainly has. 5 years, I believe." He raised his eyes.
Harley continued to look down, avoiding eye contact completely.
The man reached out a hand to Harley, "You must be Mrs Napier. I'm Jamie Malone." He smiled to the blonde haired woman.
Harley gave a small grin, looking to the ground in utter most sadness. As she ignored his hand shake, Jamie pulled back his hand and looked down at Lucy, who lay peacefully in her father's arms.

"This must be the one." Jamie whispered, stroking Lucy's hand. Joker pulled back in resistance, "She's asleep." He warned, as Jamie nodded awkwardly.
"Please," he ushered them into the room and sat the four down on the couch, "Make yourselves at home."

"Harley, please." Joker lifted her chin, as she looked away immediately.
"I don't wanna talk to you." She spoke, as Jamie brought his wife into the room.
She looked ugly to Harley. Her makeup looked as if a drag queen had done it, and her body shape looked like a broken guitar.
"This is Melody." Jamie spoke, as his wife smiled with pride and sat down opposite the 'Napiers'.
"I just wanna say thank you, thank you so much. We've wanted a baby girl for so long." Melody spoke sincerely, her eyes beginning to fill with tears.
Jamie hugged his wife, as Joker looked to his, feeling his body burn with guilt.
"Jack, we really do appreciate this favour." Jamie spoke in joy, grabbing his wife's hand.

Harley shook her head, "No. Lucy is ours! You can't have her." She leaned over to her husband and held hands with her sleeping daughter.
"Please don't take her." Harley begged, letting tears stream down her cheek.
Joker immediately stood up, "Excuse us for a second," he spoke to Jamie and Melody, taking the other three into the corridor.
Hugging his hysterical wife, Joker whispered "Hey, I know this is hard--"
"How could you?!" Harley yelled, "You didn't tell me about this once in the four years we've been together?" She leaned against the closed door, shaking her head. "Is this the real reason you didn't want me to have a girl?" She asked him, to which he responded with a small nod.
"I don't believe it. I tell you everything, important or not! How could this not have even crossed your mind to tell me?" Harley wiped her eyes, as her husband brought her in for another hug, embracing what he thought would be the last proper family hug.

Harley sniffled, "I won't let them. She's mine." Joker nodded his head, "I know it's hard, but I promised him he could have my first daughter. We could always get another daugh---"
"What?!" Harley yelled again, "Y-you're so insensitive! You just think you can sell your kids, but it's okay because you can always make more?"
Grabbing Lucy out of Joker's arms, Harley placed her daughter in her arms and ran off with Jack following behind.
"Harley!" Joker yelled, attempting to run after her.
Running through the large mansion doors and down the driveway, Harley ran as fast as she could until reaching their home.
"I won't let them. I won't let them." She whispered as she ran.

Falling behind at nearly 10 metres from his wife, Joker used every bit of his strength to catch up with her, no matter how much he had previously had to drink.
"I should've just told her before." He muttered to himself in regret, catching up with Harley, who had already made it home.

Banging on the front door of the house, Joker yelled out "Harley?! Please open the door." He begged, his eyes becoming wearier by the second.
A small voice echoed and bounced off the walls from the nursery, "No! If I let you in, you'll take her away!" She shouted, as Lucy's cries loudened as her mother spoke.
"I won't take Lucy, okay? Just let me in, honey." He assured her.
Harley slowly walked out from the nursery, holding her daughter tightly. "You promise?" She called out, her voice shaky.
Nodding with guilt, Joker said "I promise."

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