Strange Occurences

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"Oh, you're sorry? Well, you'll be even more sorry when I come over to your house and SLASH YOUR STUPID FACE UP!" Joker yelled through the phone, before setting it down neatly on the coffee table and flopping onto the couch.
With an awkward yet nervous smile, Harley reached out an arm, placing it on her husband's shoulder.
"You okay, Puddin?" She sat down beside him, as he growled with a burst of rage running through him.
He looked her straight in the eyes, "I'll let you decide that for yourself." Joker huffed, rubbing his forehead with weariness. "That was the Jesters. Apparently, the anamatronic humans they sent in were supposed to be delivering a message to me, but they malfuctioned or something." He explained, grabbing the television remote and switched the screen on to the news.

"Oh," Harley nodded, "Ya mean those robot things? Why couldn't they just deliver the message themselves?" She chuckled, only to be met with a frowning face. "How the hell would I know? Harley, baby, do me a favour would you?" He grinned, lifting his wife's chin up towards his.
"STOP ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT THINGS I CLEARLY DON'T KNOW!" he yelled, turning his head away to the television. Harley remained looking at Joker, pouting her lips.
"Yes sir." She muttered, before looking back at him and gasping.
"So what was the message?" She asked with pure innocence, before he chuckled with rage.
"Honey, I'd advise you to leave the room before I yell even louder at you in a second." He whispered, before Harley stood up and ran off to find Lucy.

Joker yawned, feeling the hours of the day completely take over his body. As he stood up, he placed a hand on Harley's shoulder. "Wake up, Harley." He whispered, before rapidly shaking her shoulders.
A slight moan escaped Harley's mouth, as she slowly opened her eyes and looked directly at him.
"H-hi, Mistah J." She waved her hand towards his face, to which he kindly pulled her up off the couch, dragging her to bed with him. As Harley settled down on her side of the bed, she noticed Lucy in her small crib by the closet.  "You put her to bed?" She asked, to which her weary husband nodded, "Of course."
Suddenly gasping, Harley sat up straight in bed, "Jack. Where is---"
"I put him to bed, too." He muttered, "Calm down, I know how to take care of my children." Joker pushed Harley's head back onto her pillow.
"Night, Harley." He finally whispered in her ear.
Harley simply nodded, yet she knew something was off. Lucy was sound asleep, so was Jack. That never happened, it was always one or the other.
She quietly slipped out of bed, walking into Jack's bedroom with silence. As Harley observed Jack sleeping in his small bed, she slowly approached the little boy, before noticing a bottle on his bedside table.
With a pale look on her face, she picked up the bottle and observed it for a second, before gasping and letting it loose from her hands.
"He didn't." She whispered, covering her mouth and feeling more stressed by the second.
Harley took a moment to stroke her son's head, and quickly escaped the room, darting for Lucy in the crib.
Once reaching the dark room, she tip-toed past her husband and immediately scooped up Lucy.
The little pale faced child didn't make a sound, her eyelids fluttering every now and then. "My little Lucy." She once again whispered, kissing the forhead of the infant.
On the floor beside the crib laid another bottle, this one was close to empty. The blonde haired mother crouched down and picked it up, carefully observing it with utter most sadness in her heart.
"Harley, what are you doing?" The deep voice of her green haired husband hit her like a truck, as she spun around to see his stern face in hers.
"Puddin, how could you? They're only little!" She whined, as Joker's face grew with even more rage. "What are you talking about?" He grabbed Lucy straight from the arms of Harley, cradling her in his own.
"You're sick, ya know that, Mistah J?" She spat, as he laughed to himself.
"Don't be such a grizzly, honey. It isn't a big deal!" He claimed, placing his daughter back down in her crib.
"Giving both your children sleeping pills is a huge deal!" Harley yelled, still managing to not wake the infant.
Joker took one look at her, before grabbing her arm and pulling her straight into him. "Breathe one word of this to anyone, and you'll be saying goodbye to that lovely creamy skin of yours." He smirked, before Harley let a tear fall down her cheek. "Let go of me, you bastard." She spoke, before escaping his grip and running out of the front door.
With one laugh, Joker looked down at Lucy. "Guess it's just us three, now."

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