17. Pen Pals

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Dear Albus,
Why weren't you on the train, and why did Phineas Nigellus Black tell me to bring your things onto it? I don't know whether James and Lily have told you, but everything went awfully strange after you left - at least at the Slytherin table it did.
I'm sorry to tell you, but everybody seems to think that you've gotten into some sort of trouble, and that that's why you returned home separately. Some even proposed that you'd gone insane and went to free Delphi from Azkaban!
Dad doesn't want me to get involved in these matters, with the injury and all, but I think that it's the family reputation he's really worried about. As you know, it's rather fragile already.
Anyway, please write to me at your earliest convenience (I guess that you'll spend the first days at your grandparents' as usual, so I won't be a pain about it) and I hope to hear from you soon!
Your friend,

Albus stared down at the letter on his desk. It was written on a light greenish parchment, as all reports from Malfoy Manor, and a snake was marked on the seal. He sighed.
What could he tell Scorpius? The idea of him freeing Delphi was laughable, and his friend clearly sought a confirmation of it, but would Scorpius handle the truth better?

Dear Scorpius, thanks for your letter. I'm just fine, except for the fact that I'm probably being mind robbed by an evil witch. Yours, Albus.

No, that wouldn't do. Albus leaned backwards from the table with a frown. His eyes landed on something which was draped over his headboard - the old blanket he and Scorpius had used to send a message in the past. The words were as visible now as they had been then: Dad. Help. Godric's Hollow. 31/10/81.
Harry had tried to give it to him earlier. Albus had refused it. Now, the memory made Albus blush out of shame.
"Hello there."
Albus turned around in the chair and saw his mother standing on the doorstep. Her thick hair was put together in a simple knot, as always when she was on her way to work.
"I just wanted to pop by and say goodnight before I leave." Ginny stepped in and leaned back at Albus' wooden desk.
"Goodnight? Mum, she's only ten o'clock in the morning."
"I know. But the editor won't leave me alone until I at least listen to some Bulgarians she's dug up. Apparently, Victor Krum has been involved in some big scandal about... sheep, I think."
"That's too bad. Krum is one of the few Quidditch players I actually like",  Albus said.
His hands made twirls with the quill, which gave the parchment he'd addressed with: Scorpius Malfoy, Malfoy Manor small stains of ink.
Ginny watched him carefully. "Yes, it was nice of him to give us those tickets for the Quidditch World Cup that time - even though it was only because he still fancies Hermione. It drove Ron mad. But, moving on... who're you writing to?"
"Eh, well... I'm trying to answer Scorpius, but..."
"Let me guess: he wants answers that you find it hard to give him?"
"Pretty much, yes."
His mother thought for a moment. "Alright. I'll tell Draco everything he and Scorpius needs to know, and you just write to him as usual. Deal?"
"Deal. But, Mum, I just wonder... did Dad ever have this hard a time telling you, Hermione and Ron about things?"
Ginny laughed shortly. "Oh, I wouldn't know, I never got to know anything. You know, before we got together, your father just thought of me as his best friend's annoying little sister. Though he was polite enough to never let me know about that part."
Albus gave his mother a suspicious look. "No way. I've always thought that you were some kind of foursome."
"We most certainly were not. At least not until Harry created D. A.. Before that, it was Hermione, Ron and your father that were the sole school heroes - or the school villains. That depended on which day it was."
"Dad got into a lot of trouble, didn't he?"
"Even more than you."
A smile spread over Albus usually so gloomy face, but he did only vaguely notice it. Despite all his years of trying to be his father's opposite, he liked the idea that they were alike in some ways. His bright eyes went across the room and found the blanket again. "And he told the others? About the prophecy and all, I mean?"
Ginny saw her son's joy and felt joyful herself, even though it was serious matter that they discussed. "I think Dumbledore encouraged him to do so. It's important to have people to trust."
"Scorpius knows about mine and Delphi's prophecy. He heard it before we went to Godric's Hollow."
The conversation now dove into matters which both parties wanted to forget. But they weren't exactly forgettable.
Ginny placed a thoughtful hand on Albus' shoulder, scared that he would now shut her out after finally letting her in.
"A prophecy isn't an insurance of the future. It's nothing but a guess, Al."
"It hit the bullseye when it came to Dad and Voldemort, didn't it?"
Albus now showed his real concern, the burden he had carried for more than a month. He just couldn't seem to forget the words: When spares are spared, when time is turned, when unseen children murder their fathers...
He was the unseen child. He was the crucial part of a prophecy they had turned to their advantage. Delphi had failed, and that he must try to remember. Yet, he thought that it was strange that she would give in on her beliefs so easily, instead of just returning to an earlier part of Cedric Diggory's life and make sure that he would never volunteer for the Triwizard Tournament in the first place.
"It became true because Voldemort made it so", Ginny said, slowly, cautiously. "But that isn't your real worry, is it?"
"Well... no. I just... it seems to unfinished to me. I have the feeling that Delphi sends me these nightmares to warn me - to make me frightened - about her return. She will escape Azkaban, and when that happens..."
"... we will stand united", Ginny finished. "Don't ever doubt that if she comes after you, all of the wizarding world will put their minds into saving you."
Albus assumed a mistrusting look. "All of the wizarding world? Really?"
Ginny shrugged, which made strands of hair fall out of the knot. "Well, you've got the Minister for Magic for an aunt."
"That's true."
"And McGonagall has promised to transfer the Burrow's protection here."
"That's an advantage."
"And we've planned to keep you on the move this summer. Starting with a visit at the Scamanders' next weekend."
"That's... interesting."
"Don't worry, Luna's an absolute darling. And besides, I don't think she'll mind if you bring Scorpius and James. Lily refuses, though, she says Lorcan keeps staring at her in an unsettling way... but otherwise you'll be fine."
The thought of meeting his best friend suddenly made the future a lot brighter in Albus' mind. "Okay, that sounds good. I'll see you tonight, Mum."
Ginny kissed her youngest son's forehead and went back for the door. "Tomorrow. I'll be back very late."
"Mum, I'm on holiday. And besides, I've got a letter to write."

Dear Scorpius,
I'm sorry, but I won't tell you about my whereabouts at the last day on parchment. It's complicated, and I think you'll understand as soon as Mum's told your dad. Thanks for bringing my trunk, though.
Mum just told me that she and Dad wants to keep me moving this summer, in order to protect me, as they call it, so unfortunately I won't be able to make it to your place as you've suggested. Would you like to accompany me on one of my trips instead? This weekend I'm leaving for the Scamander family's place. You've probably read about Luna Scamander (née Lovegood) in some of your nerdy books. She makes loads of expeditions to look for... Barking Badgers and stuff. Anyway, she's a friend of the family.
Your friend,

Thanks for reading! Another non-action chapter, but at least Luna's soon to bring some madness into the game! If you liked this chapter, would you please vote and comment?
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