chapter 5

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I saw Katie's car pull up outside so me and jason went out to go see them. ' Hey katie and justin' I said as justin locked up the car. They walked up to us and we headed back into the cafe. They never saw jason as his head was down but as soon as they got into the cafe both Katie and Justin mouths dropped. 'See I told you guys you two look alike.' I said as katie started touching Jason face. 'Ouch' jason screamed when katie pulled his cheek. He rubbed his hand across his face to soothe the pain. 'Bro, this is really creepy you look exactly like ME!' Justin said still shocked. Katie stopped touching Jason's face then I said ' so now that we can see the resemblance, jason this is katie niall's sister and my best friend and her boyfriend justin. Katie and justin this is my friend, Jason.'Your hilarious jason.'Katie said as she continued laughing at the joke that jason had made. To my surprise justin was laughing to.I'm just saying because the last time Harry hung out with us and Katie was laughing he had an almost death glare literally super glued on his face. Oh well I guess these two were going to get along. 'So jason, how come we have never seen you around before? I mean you do look like me I think we would've seen you before.' Justin said as he took a sip of his drink. 'I just moved here.' He replied quite easily. 'Oh right , well them welcome to town jason , how about I show you around?' Justin said. Between me and you I think they are going to get along great! 'Yeah sure let's go do you mind hillary. 'Oh no sure go for it,' I said. 'I need to clean up a few things anyway.' Before I was able to finish what I was going to say jason and justin were both up and heading towards Justin car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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