Zodiac Sign

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Who else in this generation believes in Zodiac signs? A few maybe, and I'm one of those who doesn't care about it. People varies not because of these signs but simply because we are all unique in our own way -that is what I stand for.

Surprisingly this guy have a huge belief in this sign. For him it has a certain consistency.

Before the stories of the stars, yeah we meet again.

This time I don't want to talk about labels. This time I just don't want to pressure myself and ask why I'm still meeting the guy who doesn't have a plan of falling in love soon. A guy who just want to have fun and live his life, versus a girl who plans every small detail of the future.

This time I'm tired and hopeless, that true love still exist. So I just came along and enjoy the moments and to be spontaneous. And this time when I feel of letting go and enough of controlling; I feel a certain freedom that brought me an unexplainable joy.

His story explains everything what he stands for. I'm not judging him at first but honestly it's a big turn off for me for a guy who dates but doesn't want a commitment.

I'm torn between what I wanted to do and what I must do. Happiness or being right. Who else choose the right thing when happiness is already hugging you in a moment. When joy is kissing you will you still refuse? If all else fails to love you just keep on mind that you still exist and loving yourself completely is still a sign of true love.

Simply don't depend on what others can do for you, it should be what can you do for yourself. Love is not being selfish but selfless. Love is always at it's superlative, at it's best. If wanting him makes you happy, it's okay, it just means your being a human that has a heart but with a brain to know when to stop.

If Love is a zodiac sign, will our stars meet? Because if not I will make my own way for us to be compatible.

Secret CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon