Chapter 55

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"Wait- did you just? I can't believe you- What am I-? Are you sure? I leave this afternoon! Yunseo!" I started laughing embarrassed at JB's flushed and panicked reaction. That was obviously the last thing he expected to hear, but I knew he was just surprised.

"I was just a spur of the moment thing," I laughed. "You found me at just the right time. I just needed you more than I thought..."

"Yah, that's not what I meant!" he said quickly, realizing how his surprise probably sounded to me.

"I know, I totally shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry..."

Oh God, this is so awkward. We've been dating for how long now, and we have an awkward moment like this?

"What are you apologizing for? Yunseo, I love you too. I really do. And you know I do. We just have equally as shitty timing as the other!" I laughed at the truth of his words. We really did have terrible timing. "Look, Autumn's meeting us on the set tomorrow to help get everything ready. Come as well, yeah? I want to see you as much as I can before I get too busy. Besides, we have to talk this all over at some point. Us and with CEO Park." I nodded in agreement. "I'll buy you guy's ice cream. You've been stressed lately. I think you need it," JB smiled at me and I nodded, following him to the year round ice cream shack. He ordered for himself and Jaeseo, letting me order for myself. He put Jaeseo on his shoulder after paying so he had enough hands for the ice cream and the dog. JB caught me looking at him, completely mesmerized by every little movement he made, and probably obviously in love. He raised an eyebrow, smiling at me, and I melted twenty times faster than the ice cream would.

"If you dare drop any ice cream on my head, Jaeseo, I will feed you to the dog, okay?" JB told the youngest jokingly, who giggle happily in response as he was passed his ice cream cone. "Try some," he told me, offering me a bit of his cone.

"Won't people notice if we act couple-y?" I laughed and he turned to me, taking the sunglasses that sat on top of my hat and putting them on me. "I feel like this makes us look more like a celebrity couple trying to hide," I laughed and watched him curve his baseball cap around more with one hand.

"No, we look like new parents walking our one-year-old son and our dog in a park while eating ice cream. Now try this," he laughed.

"I like the sound of that," I admitted, trying some of his ice cream and offering him some of my own. "Mmm it's just about Jaeseo's nap time. When do you have to leave? Autumn's not home, so if you have time..?" I left the end open to the implication. JB looked at his watch before back at me.

"I have a bit of time. We'll have to hurry though. I'm not sure I can wait," he winked at me and I smiled, leading the way back home.

I watched JB put Jaeseo to bed after successfully convincing the child he was sleepy. As soon as he straightened up and turned around, I already had my lips on his, forcing him back a step in surprise, but I heard his deep laugh rumble in his throat as he pressed me towards my bedroom. He let his hands drift under my shirt, the concept of skin on skin slightly sexier, as he fed his thumbs under the waistband of my leggings. JB forced me backwards to the en suite. "I need to shower," he smiled into the crook of my shoulder, kissing where his lips brushed, his arms on either side of the doorframe as if to keep me in, though we both knew I wasn't going anywhere. His gestures made me shiver with pleasure, so I encouraged it.

"What are you waiting for then?" I replied in a whisper, stepping back a bit as he gripped onto the back of his muscle shirt, pulling it over his head before reconnecting with me, wrapping his hands around my neck to gently release the sling and lower my arm slowly. He started at the top of my checkered blouse, slowly unbuttoning the front, letting his thumb trace down the center of my body. My desire for what is JB just exploded into an incredibly high quantity, and I let him lean over me, lips brushing inconsistently against my bare shoulder as he turned the shower on. Undressing with one arm was hard enough on its own, but the painfully slow speed JB was moving was just a tease. Provided I couldn't undress myself easily with only one arm, it was good he was here, but now he was taking his time just to torment me.

"I can't wait either. Hurry it up, stop being a tease," I encouraged jokingly. JB laughed into my neck, speeding up the process and pulling me into the shower with him.

"Excuse me for trying to be sexy, Miss 'can't wait,'" he smiled, pushing my bare back against the cold shower tiles to kiss me and work on a love bite on my neck. I groaned in pleasure, letting my injured arm trace his toned and well-earned abs while the other stroked his defined jawline, encouraging his whole body closer to mine.

"I love you, Choi Yunseo," JB breathed. I moved away from the wall and into the warmth of the water, letting it soak my hair and back of my body. I looked up at JB, kissing his shoulder, jaw, cheek, lips, standing on my toes to reach sufficiently.

"I love you too, JaeBum."


"This set is so cool," I said, hugging JB from behind and resting my head on his back, observing my surroundings. He put one arm across the one that was hugging him.

"When did you get here?" He asked.

"Not too long ago. I had to go to your dorm to shower. For some strange reason, my water bill has sky rocketed."

"Can't blame me. Showering with your girlfriend saves water." He laughed, turning to put one arm around me as I stood next to him.

"Not at the amount of time we spend in there," I replied, also laughing.

"Fine, then it's not entirely my fault. You're to blame too," he said, poking me to tickle me. I doubled over pressed against the front of his body laughing to protect myself. He held me to him with one arm around my waist proving just how soft I was in his arms. "The scarf was a nice touch by the way," he laughed, referring to my outfit's accessory. The love marks were too red to cover with make up so I went with my alternative.

"That was your fault," I laughed.

"I still blame you for being so irresistible." I hit JB playfully for his response.

"So cheesy. So cheesy," I cringed jokingly.

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