Chapter 56

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"Come on, I'll take you on a tour of the set," JB smiled, taking my hand and leading me to one end of the set. I stuck close to JB's side as we went to where Jackson was filming his part of the song, "If you do." The feature was a concrete room, cameras watching from all angles, and a punch bag in behind the wall of posters. His hair was being fixed as the camera men and director got set up. He looked like he was having a lot of fun even though he was the only one being filmed, but I knew he liked the attention.

"This is so cool," I breathed, smiling. I saw JB look at me out of the corner of my eye and he took me into the room to where Jackson was standing by the punch bag.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Jackson looked up from fixing his shirt, smiling and obviously very energetic, coming over and punching my arm playfully. I laughed, complaining of the pain since I'd forced myself to take the brace off to keep my shoulder moving. It was just tender today rather than agonizingly in pain.

"I came to see how everyone was before you leave. Looks like it's going well here," I replied. He nodded enthusiastically. "It's amazing. I can't get over how well everything's set up!" Jackson smiled at me, agreeing. Someone called Jackson's name, and him, JB and I turned to who called him; a girl with a camera probably taking photos for their instagram and personal memories. He immediately sprang to action, leaping on the punch bag and wrapping his arms and legs around it, leaving us all speechless and laughing. "Wait, take it again!" I told her quickly. Jackson jumped onto the bag again, and I looked at JB.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"For what?" I didn't reply but only smiled, jumping and wrapping my arms and legs around him like Jackson was doing to the punch bag. I relied on JB to hold me up rather than gripping with only one decent arm. Everyone laughed again as the photographer took the picture, JB rolling his eyes, one arm holding under my butt, and the other arm by his side unenthusiastically as I hung onto him like a Koala. When the photographer let us know she'd taken the photo of the three of us, JB wrapped his arms around my waist, lowering me to the ground laughing. "I wasn't expecting you to be so energetic this early in the morning. You must be like Jackson in front of a camera," he laughed.

"I'm excited! And by the way, I'm keeping that picture forever," I laughed turning to face him, my hands resting on his hip bones as I rested my head on his chest.

"Whatever," he said, ignoring me and walking away pretending to be mad, leaving Jackson and me laughing before I said goodbye to Jackson to join JB again. I jogged to catch up to JB, slipping my hand in his and resting my head on the side of his shoulder as we walked to the next set down the warehouse of scenes.

Mark was busy at work, being filmed for his rap already, so we stayed to watch for a bit, yelling at him between cuts to make him laugh before moving on. I pulled some funny faces at him, only to get dragged away by JB whose arm snaked around my waist from behind, laughing as he pulled me away from that set.

"Am I allowed to interrupt filming...?" I asked JB cautiously.

"Not really. Why?" I looked up at him, not saying anything. He laughed. "Just do it," he shrugged, smiling. I let go of his hand and walked around the back of Yugyeom's set, a door and wall. I snuck past the camera's and workers, and waited for the cue to start filming. The atmosphere was tense and serious, the pressure for getting everything right weighing down. Something had to be done about that. I listened for Yugyeom to bang on the door, completely focused and in character, and when he did I opened it.

"Yugyeom! Come in!" I smiled up at the youngest, who burst out in laughter as well as the rest of the camera and filming crew. JB was laughing into the palm of his hand at my childish behaviour, not believing I'd actually done that. Yugyeom wrapped me in a headlock, pulling me out of the doorframe playfully.

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