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@SarahParsons: Ooopsy

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@SarahParsons: Ooopsy. I need the Winchesters... @jensenackles @jaredpadalecki

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@jensenackles: WHAT DID YOU DO NOW HUNTER? @SarahParsons

@SarahParsons: Nothing... @jensenackles

@jaredpadalecki: Go easy on her Dean! I mean, Jensen.... @jensenackles 

@SarahParsons: Wait, lightbulb! ROLEPLAY @jensenackles @jaredpadalecki

@jensenackles: Really? @SarahParsons

@jaredpadalecki: I like the idea! Although, let's keep our own names, it'll be fine, right @SarahParsons? 

@SarahParsons: Yaaaaas @jaredpadalecki ! Come on @jensenackles ;) 

@jensenackles: Alright Sarah. But explain again! Wait, how did you get the blood for the knife? @SarahParsons

@jaredpadalecki: Surely she dipped it in some kind of solution, right @SarahParsons

@SarahParsons: Yeh, course. @jensenackles @jaredpadalecki

@jensenackles: Unless.... we class Sarah as a serial killer *gasp* @jaredpadalecki

@jaredpadalecki: No... or is it yes? Okay everyone... lock your door and windows... 

@jensenackles: She might be possessed! @jaredpadalecki

@jaredpadalecki: HOLY WATER 

@jensenackles: LATIN THINGY. MEET IN 10! @jaredpadalecki

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