Thirty Nine | Private

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Hey <3 

Hey, Ian?



Smolderhalder: Hey 

Why you answering so late Smolderhalder? :)

Smolderhalder: Sorry, I'm just a bit busy atm

You better be busy getting ready to come and pick me up am I right? ;)



Is your phone like dead or dying or something? 

Smolderhalder: Sarah, we need to talk. 


About times to pick me up? Yeah sure

Smolderhalder: No, something else. 

Oh okay sure. 

What's up :)

Smolderhalder: This... thing between us isn't working out.


We're okay, we're going slow like we discussed. 

Smolderhalder: I'm seeing someone else Sar


Smolderhalder: I'm sorry, but we'll have to delay things for now. 

Seriously? You are going to throw me down a hole?!!!

Smolderhalder: Sarah, please!

No it doesn't matter. 

Goodbye Ian. 

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