The Beach

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Natsu stared at the flyer in disbelief. He snatched the paper and read some more details. "90,000,000 jewel?!" he asked in shock. She couldn't be that hard to beat, could she?

Natsu thought for a moment, but he already knew what he was going to do next. He had made his decision. He looked Erza in the eye and said, more like demanded, "Erza, I'm coming on this job."

Erza was angry at Natsu for snatching the flyer out of her hands, then commanding her to take him with. But she restrained her anger, because she could see that something was wrong. Natsu looked eager, but sad. She didn't know why, but she would listen to Natsu, something about the look in his eyes said that he needed this. "Fine. I suppose that we can take the whole team. Gray, you're coming too."

Gray's eyes widened in surprise, then he nodded his head to show that he agreed to it.


The next night, the trio left to the train station. They were off to see the magic council. After all, this was no ordinary job. This job was very important. So the magic council felt the need to take it into their own hands.

When they boarded the train, Natsu had the same old motion sickness, so Erza punched his stomach, knocking the boy out. They rode the train in silence. Erza was too worried about Natsu to speak, and Gray sensed the tension in the air, so he decided not to talk. When they arrived, Erza picked up Natsu, and slung him over her back.

They went to their hotel. Erza set Natsu on his bed, and closed the door quietly. She left to her room. They would see the council in the morning. Erza requiped into her pajamas, lay in her bed and tried to sleep. After all, something told Erza that they would have a long day tomorrow.


Natsu woke up and stared at the ceiling. How did he get here? Oh yeah. . . Erza. He got out of bed and stretched. He sluggishly left his room and went down to the lobby, where Erza and Gray were already waiting. Then he remembered the job they were on, and immediately filled with energy.

Gray noticed Natsu heading their direction. "There you are, fiery mouth breather."

"What did you just call me, you stupid ice princess?"

The fight would have gone on, had it not been for Erza standing right next to them. Realizing they were in a fancy hotel, she slammed their heads together, grabbed the collars of their shirts, and dragged them all the way to the magic council.


When they were at the door of the council, Erza dropped them and they hastily stood up, brushing off their clothes. The doors opened. This was it. They all walked in. A frog woman was waiting there. She began moving. "Now, if you would please follow me. I will show you to the conference hall." she said without even looking back.

The three followed the frog lady through a few corridors and turns until they reached large wooden doors. The frog lady bowed and gestured for them to enter. Erza pushed the doors open, only to reveal a half moon of council members, seated on floating benches. The three walked in and bowed.

"Fairytail wizards," spoke the chairman who sat in the center of the half circle,"understand this. We would not ask for your help unless we absolutely needed it. This girl who you're about to face may very well be the most dangerous you have, and ever will see. We sent our army after her." he gulped. "They never came back. We sent our wizards after her, their bodies were found the following morning. This is one of the things that makes her so dangerous, she's doesn't hesitate to kill. That is why we need your help. But know this, if you go on this job, the likelihood is that you won't come back. Make sure you're ready to make the sacrifice."

There was a moment of silence. Then Gray spoke up, "What magic does she use?"

"No one has lived to tell the tale. Also, you will most likely find her at the beach on the west coast, nearby. Now then, is that all?"

Erza nodded her head.

"Then good luck."

The frog lady escorted them out and they went on their way. The beach was within walking distance, so they decided to spare Natsu the pain of riding a vehicle. As they walked, Natsu grew nervous, but also excited. After all, it would be the first time he got to see his friend in 11 years. Maybe they got it wrong. Maybe she was framed, or it was a misunderstanding.

Gray yawned as they reached the beach, Natsu looked like a wreck of emotions, and Erza looked around, on high alert. That's when they saw a blond beauty, alone on the beach, sitting in a beach chair. She wore a white bikini with a pink flower. Her eyes scanned the pages of the book she held in her hands. She chewed a wad of bright pink bubblegum, and would occasionally blow a large bubble, and pop it.

Erza looked at her cautiously, but then she relaxed. There was no way this cute teenager could be the psychopath they were hunting down, right? She tapped the girls shoulder. The blond curiously looked up at her, with beautiful brown orbs. "What are you doing here, you know, this is a dangerous place to be right now." Erza lectured.

"Of course I know, who doesn't?" the teen asked with a giggle. "But hey, a little bit of danger is worth the beautiful view, isn't it?" She set her book down, stood up, and playfully twirled in the sand. "I mean, look at those gentle ocean tides, and that warm sun!" She said passionately.

Erza gently smiled. "You're right, it is beautiful. I'm Erza what's your name?"

"You haven't already guessed?" The girl grinned. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia."

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