Three Years Ago Today

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"You. . . always have?" Lucy asked. She was stunned. Though Natsu seemed sure, he also seemed surprised at what he did. Lucy wanted to smile, but she also wanted to cry. What a roller coaster of emotions she was feeling. She hadn't felt happy in so long. But she also knew that it wouldn't last. Lucy smiled, "I think that I'll. . . turn myself in." She couldn't find it in herself to do anything else. 

Natsu looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please. . . Please don't." 

Lucy continued to smile at him. "It will be alright. It's just something that I've got to do."

Natsu looked at her with pained eyes. Though he didn't want this, he knew she was right. To be honest, if he hadn't met Lucy as a child and she had killed one of his guild members, he would have gone after her to return the favor. But Natsu cared about Lucy, he really did. He slowly nodded his head.

Natsu felt warm tears fall. He and Lucy walked to the council and Lucy turned herself in at the door, a smile remaining on her face. The frog lady's eyes went wide. She called the guards, and they escorted Lucy down some halls. Natsu tried to follow, but he was given the money, and was sent away with a broken heart.


Three years had passed since that day. The guild was in a foul mood. Three years ago today,  Natsu had returned to the guild a different person. One could say that it changes a man to have his dream crushed. Three years ago today, Natsu had returned to the guild, threw Erza a bag of money, and told her to split it with Gray because he didn't want any. Three years ago today, Natsu started staying in his house. When he'd come to the guild, it would be to grab a job, leave, and go back to his house. Three years ago today was one of the worst days Natsu had ever faced. And because the guild cared about Natsu, they felt his pain.


'Three years ago today, huh?' Lucy thought. Though she had spent three years in prison, she didn't regret turning herself in. It helped her cope with her past. Though, she did wish that she could see Natsu again. But she was "too dangerous" as the council put it, so she wasn't aloud to see any visitors. In fact, she hadn't seen a single person  in three years. Well, unless you count the occasional hand sliding under the door with a tray of food.  

As she thought about this, she heard a knock on her door. 'That's pretty unusual.' she thought, though not necessarily caring. "Lucy Heartfilia?" a voice rang out. 

"Hmm?" Lucy hummed. Suddenly the door burst open to reveal two guards and one of the councils frog lady's. The guards rushed behind her, and put a pair of handcuffs with a magic sealing stone on her. "Huh?" Lucy questioned curiously.

"Any questions you may be having will be answered by the council." the frog lady spoke.

Lucy sighed. She only thought of this as bothersome. What now? Did they decide that prison wasn't punishment enough? They walked up some stairs, through corridors, and back to that familiar room. A half moon of council members were looking down at her once more.

"Lucy Heartfilia." the chairman spoke.

"Yes?" Lucy asked sweetly.

"You've been in prison for three years so far, is that correct?"

"Of course. I'm a killer, after all." Lucy said sweetly. She giggled, as she often did when she was upset. The council members looked disgusted at this, but in truth, they just didn't really understand Lucy.

"Recently a new murderer has shown up, perhaps as dangerous as you. We can't seem to take him down. So, we're giving you two options. One, you can go back down to that cell and finish carrying out your life sentence. Then, you've got option two. You can have one more shot at living a somewhat normal life, but you have to follow our every command. You'll have to do our bidding. Which includes taking down anyone we order you too."

Lucy was shocked as she scanned the chairman's face to make sure he was serious. She was about to choose option one, but then she thought about seeing Natsu again, and her selfishness took over. "Why, I'll take option two of course." she grinned.

"I thought so." he nodded. Then he held up a black dog collar. "But you'll have to wear this. Disobey, and you'll be shocked into submission. If you go killing innocent people again, you'll be shocked to your death. Are you sure that you're willing to wear this the rest of your life?" 

Lucy nodded her head.

"So be it." the chairman decided. With that, the collar was put around her neck, and her handcuffs were taken off. "Now," the chairman spoke. "go catch us a killer."

Lucy smiled. "With pleasure."


To the councils surprise, Lucy brought the man to them within a mere three days. They said that she would be contacted when they were in need of her services again. So Lucy left the council. She felt a sense of freedom for the first time in a while. First stop, Fairy Tail!


The guild perked up when they heard the doors open. When the guild saw the beautiful blond, everyone seemed surprised , but the one who seemed most surprised was the pink haired mage sitting in the corner.

Lucy brightly smiled. "Hey everyone! I'm here to join your guild!"


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