An Unexpected Surprise

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It's finally Tuesday! I grab my wallet and stuff it in my pocket. I will definitely be paying for this boat tour because Marcus paid for our meal last time. I left my studio in a hurry because I was caught up in a project and completely lost track of time. On my way to work I was practically skipping because I am so excited. I mean we have been texting and stuff but I haven't seen Marcus since our date.

I've decided that I am going to act more like my usual self. No more stuttering and being nervous. What do I have to be nervous about anyway. He's just a guy. A super hot guy, but still just a guy. And who knows what will come of us dating. I have literally never acted this way before and it is freaking me out that one person can change my personality that much. But no more!

On Sunday I had my shift at Laurey's then went over to Max's house for dinner and then ended up staying the night and Max, David and I ended up having a game night. We played Monopoly for a good 3 hours and by then David had almost all the properties and a billion hotels and Max ended up flipping the board. So the usual. After that we settled for a friendly game of poker, which I won! Finally finishing up the night with a few rounds of Bullshit. All in all it was a great evening, but then again it always is with those two.

As I walk down the street I smile at the Big Issue guy and pay him for a magazine, then continue on to work. I open the door and a the little bell makes a ding noise notifying Rose that I have arrived.

'Hello dear' she says kindly.

'Hi Rose, I'll just head to the back and start organising' I say, because that's mostly what I have been doing for the last couple days of work.

'Actually can you work the till today please dear, I have been on my feet all morning and need to have a sit down. I will look through the boxes out back and see if there anything that can be brought to the front.' She says.

'Of course' I reply, working at Laurey's for so long, I'm pretty good with customer service.

'Thank you dear' she says walking into the stock room.

'No problem' I shout back to her. I grab my name badge out of my bag and put it on and go to stand behind the small counter. I put my bag on the shelf and get ready to stand for the next 7 hours. Business is normally quite slow but soon enough I hear a ding as the first customer comes in. after that there is a steady flow of people for the next few hours. The appeal of The Works is that the books are classics and Rose sells them for a really good price, often having deals on.

'Hi, I'm looking for 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' the one with the original book cover, I was wondering if you sold that here?' I look up and a fairly attractive guy in his early 30s was standing in front of me.

'Yes we do, it's over here, I'll show you' I say.

'Thanks, it's for my niece's birthday' he says, trying to start a conversation.

'That's nice' I reply and continue searching for the book.

'My name is Riley' he says 'What's yours'

'Cas' I reply glancing down at my name tag, he's not very observant I think to myself.

Rose doesn't organise her shop like a normal bookshop so it takes a minute to find, all the while the guy is chatting about something or other. I wasn't paying attention that much because I was concentrating when suddenly I hear 'so is that a no then?'

'I'm sorry what?' I ask

'I said would you like to go for a coffee or something later' he said, I see a flash or irritation in his eyes at having to repeat himself.

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