Chapter 1 The Meeting

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Chapter 1

 Cas POV

 I was just leaving my studio when I realised that I forgot my flat keys on the table. I quickly rushed back inside to get them, then continued out the door. It is quite difficult to supply my studio with all the necessary things, only working at a small café down on Pearsons, and seeing as I just bought a new batch of glazes I don't think I'll be eating much for the next few days.  Living in London doesn't exactly help. 

 I'm glad that my grandmother left me her old storage unit otherwise I wouldn't even be able to afford my own studio straight out of art school, let alone rent a flat.

The walk back to my flat isn't very far seeing as both my studio is only a few blocks from where I live so it only took about 10 minutes to get there. A god send in this horrible English weather. Walking up the stairs, I pulled my hat off my head and shook out my blonde hair trying to get rid of the 'helmet hair' it always gives me.   I saw a piece of paper stuck to my door and stared at it in disbelief.

'I can't believe I forgot about rent again', I'm such an idiot I thought. I knew I was forgetting something! I really regret splurging on those new types of glazes now even though I was dying to start experimenting tomorrow.  There's no way I'll be able to pay this by next week, I thought. I'm going to have to start looking for another job I guess, not willing to think about the extra workload I'll be getting.

That night I went to sleep on an empty stomach, nothing new but still not very pleasant if you ask me.  

The next day was usually busy. Normally I would get up around 7 have breakfast then head off to work, where I would spend the next 9 hours serving coffee and waiting tables for minimum wage. It isn't work that bothers me, far from it, the people at the café have become my family over the last 3 years.  But I dream of a day where I can focus solely on my art and maybe one day things will start to pick up for me.  But today, Tuesday, is my day off, and so ill be job hunting. Joy.  First I got my CV together, I don't have that much experience in anything but it will have to do. 

Then I went all around the city, well as far as I could walk anyway, going into any place that advertised 'jobs needed', but all I got for my efforts was a few degrading looks and empty promises to get back to me.  My holey, worn clothes probably not giving the best first impressions.  Giving up, I headed back intending to stop in at Laurey's Café, where I work, on the way back to get a much needed cup of coffee.  Being the annoyingly clumsy guy that I am, I was looking down at my feet and suddenly crashed into someone, sending me tumbling down onto the pavement. 'Shit, sorry' I said as I landed on my bum on the pavement.

'It's quite alright, I'm apologise as well' said the deepest and sexiest voice I have ever had the pleasure of hearing, 'I wasn't looking where I was going' the stranger said. I looked up at froze, sure that there must be drool coming out the side of my mouth at the sight.  The man standing in front of me must be a God in disguise berceuse I have never seen someone as divine as him.

His bright green eyes were looking at me from underneath a mess of dark blackish locks, he was waving his phone sheepishly, looking at me with a slightly guilty expression then mixing with some bright eyed amusement.  I realised, mortified, that I have just been sitting here on the floor for a good couple of minutes just staring at him.  I quickly scramble to my feet. 'Oh, no, no p-problem' I finally get out 'it really was my fault, I have a tendency to not look where I'm going most of the time' I say with an embarrassed smile.  I quickly go to leave just about to die with embarrassment at being such a loser in front of this magnificent human being, but my sore bum made me wince slightly when I moved to quickly and the gorgeous stranger was quick to notice. 

'Are you alright?' He said, 'you didn't hurt yourself did you?'. 

'Its fine, my bum's just a bit sore' I blurted out. Oh god. 'Um, I mean nope, not at all thanks, ill just be leaving now'.

'Why don't you let me buy you a cup of coffee as a sorry, wouldn't want you filing a lawsuit' he joked albeit a bit arrogantly, clearly much more comfortable than I.  The temptation of a nice warm cup of coffee was too much so I begrudgingly accepted. I didn't want to further embarrass myself, so many bad things could happen getting coffee! Well, for me at least.

'Great!' He said, 'Lead the way'.

'Wait' I just remembered 'I didn't catch your name'

'Oh you don't recognise me? The names Marcus Hartly' He said shaking my hand, like it should mean something to me.

'Ahh yes well, nice to meet you, I'm Cas Edwards' I replied simply.

He looked at me strangely for a second but shook it off before I could mention it.  'Okay then, so, coffee?' He looked at me pointedly.

'Right' I said, and began to walk in the direction of Laurey's. 

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